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Sayha Bow
Go to the third floor of the Ivory Tower and talk to one of the NPC's there. If you have the required components, you will be able to exchange them for the bow. 
Total Base Components:
  • Griffon Feather (30)
  • White Dragon Scales (15)
  • Wind Tear (50)
  • High Quality Diamond/Quality Diamond (HQD) (1)
  • High Quality Emerald/Quality Emerald (HQE) (2)
  • Ruby (3)
  • Fungus Juice (37)
  • Lump of Rough Mithril (rough) (160)
  • Pan's Mane (MANE) (40)
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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