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Drop Guide
  • Very Commonly Dropped
  • Commonly Dropped
  • Uncommonly Dropped
  • Rarely Dropped
  • Very Rarely Dropped
  • No Drop Frequency Known

  • All of Aden - Map
    Weight: 1
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    This map can be used throughout the mainland of Aden.

    It doesn't work in Hidden Valley, Singing Island, Forgotten Island, Dream Island, Pirate Island, towers or caves.

    *You can use this map instead of many of the single, each town maps.*
    Sold/Created By: Melissa (Aden)
    Purchased By:

    Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

    Lineage is a registered trademark of NCSoft.
    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
    All others: copyright (c) 2004 by
    Contact info: webmaster AT