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Drop Guide
  • Very Commonly Dropped
  • Commonly Dropped
  • Uncommonly Dropped
  • Rarely Dropped
  • Very Rarely Dropped
  • No Drop Frequency Known

  • Sealed TOI Teleport Charm 91F
    Class: All
    Episode 5: N
    This charm teleports you to the 91th floor of the Tower of Insolence. This charm teleports you to the 91st floor of the Tower of Insolence. This charm can only be used from a certain location on the 90th floor of the Tower of Insolence.
    **This item, while "sealed" can be sold, traded, dropped or sold. To "unseal" this item you must double click on it. Doing so will result in the charm becoming yours forever, unless you delete it.** (See Teleport Charms)

    Normal Drops: Lich

    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:

    Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

    Lineage is a registered trademark of NCSoft.
    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
    All others: copyright (c) 2004 by
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