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Only show items for: All Classes Knight Royals Elf Mage Dark Elf Pet High Pet
[beginning with 'P']
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Paagrio's AshEN/AN/A IngredientsOther Ingredients
Paagrio's Hatred90K+613/9One WeaponsSwords
Paagrio's Plate Armor300R+4-60/0N/A ArmorBody Armor
Paagrio's Visor40R+4-30/0N/A ArmorHelmets
Pan's Horn (Craft)9EN/AN/A IngredientsElven Ingredients
Pan's Horn (weapon)9E-K-M-RN/AN/A IngredientsElven Ingredients
Pan's Mane (MANE)1.56EN/AN/A IngredientsElven Ingredients
Partisan120E-K-R+66/6One WeaponsPolearms
Payment for Death3AllN/A-10/0N/A JewelryRings
Pet Whistle8AllN/AN/A MiscellaneousOther Items
PickaxeN/AN/A QuestOther Quest Items
Piece of Ancient Key (Elf)EN/A0/0N/A QuestElf Quest Items
Piece of Ancient Key (Knight)1KN/A0/0N/A QuestKnight Quest Items
Piece of Large Cave ScrollN/AN/A IngredientsOther Ingredients
Piece of SoulN/AN/A IngredientsOther Ingredients
Pizza2AllN/AN/A ConsumableFood
Plate Mail (PM)450K-R+4-7N/A ArmorBody Armor
Plate Worm Rind Armor250D-K+4-8N/A ArmorBody Armor
Plate Worms FangAllN/AN/A IngredientsOther Ingredients
Platinum PlateAllN/AN/A IngredientsOther Ingredients
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Portrait of SonAllN/AN/A QuestOther Quest Items
Potion of Wisdom9MN/A0/0N/A ConsumablePotions
Potion of Bravery9KN/A0/0N/A ConsumablePotions
Potion of Cure Poison or Cyan Potion7.8AllN/AN/A ConsumablePotions
Potion of Dark ForestAllN/AN/A IngredientsOther Ingredients
Potion of Mana (Mana/Blue Pots)9AllN/A0/0N/A ConsumablePotions
Potion of Mental AcuityN/AN/A ConsumablePotions
Potion of RevivalKN/AN/A QuestOther Quest Items
Power Gloves (PG)18All+40N/A ArmorGloves

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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