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Only show items for: All Classes Knight Royals Elf Mage Dark Elf Pet High Pet
Items in category Weapons
Sub-categories: Claws | Daggers | Edoryus | Pet Weapons | Polearms | Primitive Weapons | Ranged/Bows | Staves | Swords
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Ancient Bowgun30D-E+63/3One WeaponsRanged/Bows
Ancient Great Sword (AGS)80K-RN/A24/42Two WeaponsSwords
Ancient Man's ArrowsEN/A5/4N/A WeaponsRanged/Bows
Ancient Sword40D-E-K-RN/A35/20One WeaponsSwords
Apprentice Elven Bow30EN/A2/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Apprentice Knight Sword40K08/8Two WeaponsSwords
Apprentice Sword30E-RN/A7/8One WeaponsSwords
Apprentice Wizard Staff (Not in game)20MN/A4/5One WeaponsStaves
Arrow100 arrows =3.1All06/5N/A WeaponsRanged/Bows
Assassin Sword of Assassin KingD+613/13Two WeaponsEdoryus
Athame10E-K-M-R+64/4One WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Axe60E-K-M-R+63/5One WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Axe of Kent WarriorN/AN/A WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Bardiche120K-R+64/6Two WeaponsPolearms
Battle Axe120E-K-R+68/8Two WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Bec de corbin (BDC)100K+614/14Two WeaponsPolearms
Berserker Axe (B-AXE)200K+69/9Two WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Bill-guisarme120K-R+64/10Two WeaponsPolearms
Black Mithril Arrow100 arrows = 6.3All011/15N/A WeaponsRanged/Bows
Black Wizard Staff15M+61/1One WeaponsStaves
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Blade of DarknessK-R+615/12One WeaponsSwords
Blade of Revenge40D-K-M01/33Two WeaponsSwords
Body of Long Sword30All+63/3One WeaponsSwords
Body of Oriharukon Sword35All+64/4One WeaponsSwords
Body of Short Sword20All+62/2One WeaponsSwords
Bow30E-K-M-R+62/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Bow of Ancient Elf30E+63/2One WeaponsRanged/Bows
Bow of Flames30E+63/3Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Bow of Kent ArcherN/AN/A WeaponsRanged/Bows
Bow of the Ancients5EN/ATwo WeaponsRanged/Bows
Broad Sword70All+64/6One WeaponsSwords
Bronze Claw20D+68/7Two WeaponsClaws
Bronze Edoryu20D+68/6Two WeaponsEdoryus
Claw of Baranka40D+618/18Two WeaponsClaws
Claw of Bravery30D+617/15Two WeaponsClaws
Claw of ChaosAll018/2One WeaponsSwords
Claw of Hatred30D026/15Two WeaponsClaws
Claw of Magic Power KingD+612/12Two WeaponsClaws
Club30E-K-M-R+66/3One WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Completed Elven BowE+63/3Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Crimson Lance100K-R+615/15Two WeaponsPolearms
Crooked Staff10MN/A1/1One WeaponsStaves
Cross Bow (XBOW)50D-E-K+63/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Crossbow of Bravery40D-E+63/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Crossbow of SilenceE+63/2One WeaponsRanged/Bows
Crystal Staff of Mana (CSOM)15M+61/1One WeaponsStaves
Cutlass50D-E-K-R+610/12One WeaponsSwords
Dagger10All+64/2One WeaponsDaggers
Dagger of CrystalAll+610/4One WeaponsDaggers
Damascus (DAMA)45E-K-R+610/11One WeaponsSwords
Damascus Claw40D+617/13Two WeaponsClaws
Damascus Edoryu40D+615/9Two WeaponsEdoryus
Dark Claw20D+614/11Two WeaponsClaws
Dark Crossbow30D-E+62/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Dark Edoryu20D+612/8Two WeaponsEdoryus
Dark Elf's Training Sword40DN/A7/8One WeaponsSwords
Death Blade (DB)100K+616/8One WeaponsSwords
Demon Axe180K-R020/20Two WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Devil's Claw30D+620/18Two WeaponsClaws
Devil's Crossbow30E+63/3One WeaponsRanged/Bows
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Devil's Edoryu30D+618/13Two WeaponsEdoryus
Devil's Knife40E-K-R+617/9One WeaponsSwords
Diad Fortress Crossbow50D-E+63/3Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Diad Fortress Edoryu40D+615/11Two WeaponsEdoryus
Diamond Sword90R+614/12One WeaponsSwords
Dice Dagger or Dagger of Good/Bad Luck (DD)10All+63/3One WeaponsDaggers
Dragon Slayer Sword180K+621/30Two WeaponsSwords
Dwarvish Axe (DA)280K-R+68/14Two WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Dwarvish Short Sword40All+67/8One WeaponsSwords
Dwarvish Spear-E-K-M-R+68/8One WeaponsPolearms
Edoryu of AbyssD+614/10Two WeaponsEdoryus
Edoryu of Auger BladeD+68/8Two WeaponsEdoryus
Edoryu of Bravery30D+615/10Two WeaponsEdoryus
Edoryu of Kent AssassinN/AN/A WeaponsEdoryus
Elindaire's Staff55M0One WeaponsStaves
Elven Bow (EB)30E-K-M-R+62/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Elven Bow of Dexterity (DEXBOW)30E-K-M-R+62/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Elven Dagger10All+64/3One WeaponsDaggers
Elven Short Sword (ESS)20All+68/8One WeaponsSwords
Elven Short Sword of Constitution (ESS:CON)20E-K-M-R+68/8One WeaponsSwords
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Elven Short Sword of Spell Power (ESSSP)20All+68/8One WeaponsSwords
Elven Spear-E-K-M-R+67/8One WeaponsPolearms
Eva's Scorn20D-E-K-R+69/9One WeaponsSwords
Fang of Demon150HPN/AN/A WeaponsPet Weapons
Fang of Destruction150HPN/AN/A WeaponsPet Weapons
Fang of Fighting Dog50HPN/AN/A WeaponsPet Weapons
Fang of Gold120HPN/AN/A WeaponsPet Weapons
Fang of Hunting Dog60HPN/AN/A WeaponsPet Weapons
Fang of Steel50HPN/AN/A WeaponsPet Weapons
Fang of Victory100HPN/AN/A WeaponsPet Weapons
Fauchard60E-K-R+610/10Two WeaponsPolearms
Finger of Death20D+616/4One WeaponsDaggers
Fire Sword of Death Knight40K+616/10N/A WeaponsSwords
Flail15E-K-M-R+66/4One WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Forgotten Bowgun50EN/A1/1Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Forgotten Great Sword40K-RN/A2/3Two WeaponsSwords
Forgotten Sword40D-E-K-R03/2One WeaponsSwords
Gauntlet20D+62/2One WeaponsRanged/Bows
Glaive-E-K-R+66/10Two WeaponsPolearms
Golden Sceptre110R+614/14One WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Gradius (GRAD)40All+69/11One WeaponsSwords
Great Axe (G-AXE)250K-R+613/17Two WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Great Sword150K-R+617/14Two WeaponsSwords
Guisarme80K-M-R+66/8Two WeaponsPolearms
Halberd150K-R+610/6Two WeaponsPolearms
Heavy Throwing Knife10 knives = 1DN/A14/14N/A WeaponsRanged/Bows
Hunter Bow30E-K-M-R+62/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Ivory Tower Edoryu20DN/A11/8Two WeaponsEdoryus
Ivory Tower One-Handed Sword40D-E-K-RN/A10/10N/A WeaponsSwords
Ivory Tower Staff15MN/A2/2One WeaponsStaves
Ivory Tower Stone bow50D-E-KN/A2/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Jet-Black Crystal BallM+61/1One WeaponsStaves
Jin Gauntlet40D+62/2One WeaponsRanged/Bows
Kaiser Claw40D+620/16Two WeaponsClaws
Kaiser Crossbow50D-E+64/3Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Kaiser Edoryu40D+617/13Two WeaponsEdoryus
Katana (KAT)40D-E-K-R+610/12One WeaponsSwords
Lance180K-R+66/8One WeaponsPolearms
Large Sword of BloodK+610/12Two WeaponsSwords
Lastabad Blade30All+68/8One WeaponsDaggers
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Lastabad Bow50E-K-R+62/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Lastabad Cross Bow70D-E+63/3Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Lastabad Dagger20All+64/3One WeaponsDaggers
Lastabad Edoryu40D+615/10Two WeaponsEdoryus
Lastabad Heavy Cross Bow100E+63/3Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Lastabad Long Sword30D-E-K+610/12One WeaponsSwords
Lastabad Spear80E-K-R+68/8One WeaponsPolearms
Lastabad Staff15M+62/3One WeaponsStaves
Long Sword40All+68/12One WeaponsSwords
Long Sword of Pretender KingE-K-R+613/10One WeaponsSwords
Lucern Hammer150K-R+612/15Two WeaponsPolearms
Mace30E-K-M-R+66/8One WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Mail Breaker (MB)30All+64/5One WeaponsSwords
Maphr's Pestilence20D-K+67/6One WeaponsDaggers
Maphr's Retribution95K+64/5Two WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Maphr's Strife30D-K+66/7N/A WeaponsDaggers
Minotaur Axe250K-R+612/14Two WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Mithril Arrow100 arrows = 4.68All010/9N/A WeaponsRanged/Bows
Mithril Coated Horn24E-K-M-R+64/4One WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Mithril Coated Horn24E-K-M-R+64/4One WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Mithril Dagger50All+66/5One WeaponsDaggers
Morning Star120E-K-R+69/10One WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Named BowE+60/0Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Oak Staff15E-K-M-R+63/4One WeaponsStaves
Orcish Bow60E-K-M-R+62/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Orcish Bume Smache40K+68/9One WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Orcish Dagger10All+62/3One WeaponsDaggers
Orcish Short Sword30All+64/4One WeaponsSwords
Orcish Spear30E-K-M-R+64/6One WeaponsPolearms
Oriharukon Arrow100 arrows = 6.3All012/12N/A WeaponsRanged/Bows
Oriharukon Dagger50All+67/7One WeaponsDaggers
Oriharukon-Coated Horn (orihorn)55E-K-M-R+67/8One WeaponsPolearms
Paagrio's Hatred90K+613/9One WeaponsSwords
Partisan120E-K-R+66/6One WeaponsPolearms
Ranseur50E-K-R+64/7Two WeaponsPolearms
Rapier (RAP)60D-E-K+611/6One WeaponsSwords
Red Knights Sword (RKS)40All+68/12One WeaponsSwords
Sayha Bow30E+64/4Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Sayha Crossbow(Sayha XBOW)50E+63/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Scimitar40All+68/8One WeaponsSwords
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Shadow Claw30D+612/10Two WeaponsClaws
Shadow Edoryu30D+611/7Two WeaponsEdoryus
Shamshir60D-E-K+611/6One WeaponsSwords
Short Bow30E-K-M-R+62/2Two WeaponsRanged/Bows
Short Sword30All+66/8One WeaponsSwords
Silver Arrow100 arrows = 4.68All07/6N/A WeaponsRanged/Bows
Silver Axe270K-R+69/15Two WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Silver Claw20D+613/10Two WeaponsClaws
Silver Edoryu20D+611/8Two WeaponsEdoryus
Silver Long Sword or Long Silver Sword (SLS)50All+68/12One WeaponsSwords
Silver Sword (SS)40All+67/7One WeaponsSwords
Silver Throwing Knife10 knives = 1DN/A8/8N/A WeaponsRanged/Bows
Spear80E-K-M-R+66/8One WeaponsPolearms
Staff of Baphomet15M02/3One WeaponsStaves
Staff of Beleth15M02/3One WeaponsStaves
Staff of Demon1M01/1One WeaponsStaves
Staff of Force/Strength (SOF)15M+69/9One WeaponsStaves
Staff of Ice Queen20M+62/2One WeaponsStaves
Staff of Kent WizardN/AN/A WeaponsStaves
Staff of Mana (SOM)15M+63/3One WeaponsStaves
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Staff of New KingMN/A9/9Two WeaponsStaves
Staff of Red CrystalM+68/8Two WeaponsStaves
Staff of Sorcery (SOS)15M+62/3One WeaponsStaves
Stealth Claw25D+614/12Two WeaponsClaws
Stealth Edoryu30D+613/8Two WeaponsEdoryus
Steel Claw30D+610/8Two WeaponsClaws
Steel Edoryu30D+610/7Two WeaponsEdoryus
Sword of Ancient Elf20E+611/10One WeaponsSwords
Sword of Brave Lizardman SoldierK-R+614/18Two WeaponsSwords
Sword of Flames70E+614/6One WeaponsSwords
Sword of Heaven5KN/A17/19One WeaponsSwords
Sword of HonorK+69/12N/A WeaponsSwords
Sword of Kent SoldierN/AN/A WeaponsSwords
Sword of Knight Vald150K+616/16One WeaponsSwords
Sword of Kurtz40K+615/11One WeaponsSwords
Sword of Red DesireD-E+610/8One WeaponsSwords
Sword of Silence60D-E-K+612/12One WeaponsSwords
Thor's Hammer40E-K-M-R+67/12One WeaponsPolearms
Throwing Knife10 knives = 1DN/A10/10N/A WeaponsRanged/Bows
Trident25E-K-R+65/4Two WeaponsPolearms
Item NameWeightClassSafe LevelACDmg (S/L)HandsHP/MP/ICategorySub-category
Tsurugi (TSU)120K+616/10One WeaponsSwords
Two Handed Sword (2HS)150K-R+614/16Two WeaponsSwords
Two-handed Sword of Pretender KingK+616/20Two WeaponsSwords
Unicorn Horn (Not in game)All+612/12Two WeaponsPolearms
Unknown Axe1N/AN/A WeaponsPrimitive Weapons
Unknown Spear1N/AN/A WeaponsPolearms
Unlimited Quiver50AllN/AN/A WeaponsRanged/Bows
VoulgeK-R+64/8Two WeaponsPolearms
Wand of Laia15M+61/1One WeaponsStaves
War Hammer50E-K-R+67/9Two WeaponsPolearms
Wisdom of the Ancient PeopleMN/A10/10N/A WeaponsStaves
Wizards Staff or Mage Staff20M+64/5One WeaponsStaves
Yumi30E+63/3Two WeaponsRanged/Bows

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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