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· Ingredients
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· Potions
· Scrolls
· Spellbooks
· Weapons

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Only show items for: All Classes Knight Royals Elf Mage Dark Elf Pet High Pet

  • Armor Sets

  • Armor
    Belts | Body Armor | Boots | Cloaks | Earrings | Event Cloaks | Gloves | Helmets | Pet Armor | Shields | T-Shirts | Xmas 2005 Event

  • Consumable
    Elixirs | Food | Potions | Scrolls | Wands

  • Elven Magic
    Common Line Spells | Earth Magic | Fire Magic | Water Magic | Wind Magic

  • Ingredients
    Dark Elven Ingredients | Elven Ingredients | Gems | Other Ingredients

  • Jewelry
    Amulets/Necklaces | Charms | Rings

  • Main Magic
    Level 1 Magic | Level 2 Magic | Level 3 Magic | Level 4 Magic | Level 5 Magic | Level 6 Magic | Level 7 Magic | Level 8 Magic | Level 9 Magic | Level 10 Magic

  • Miscellaneous
    Fireworks | Other Items

  • Other Magic, etc.
    Dark Elven Magic | Magic and Spirit Gems | Royal Aura magic | Skills | Spellbooks

  • Quest
    Dark Elf Quest Items | Elf Quest Items | Knight Quest Items | Mage Quest Items | Other Quest Items | Prince/ss Quest Items

  • Weapons
    Claws | Daggers | Edoryus | Pet Weapons | Polearms | Primitive Weapons | Ranged/Bows | Staves | Swords

  • Items with Bonuses/Penalties to:
    DEX, STR, CON, WIS, INT, CHA, HP, HP regen, MP, MP regen, AC, SP, Hit, Dmg, MR, MR (Earth), MR (Fire), MR (Water), MR (Air)
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

    Lineage is a registered trademark of NCSoft.
    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
    All others: copyright (c) 2004 by
    Contact info: webmaster AT