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Losus Island 
Area Description
Losus Island is a island located to the left of Heine.  There is no path available to get onto Losus Island.  The only way to get on the island is to random teleport onto it.  Most will stand near the waters edge and random tele until they land on the island.  At that point, they bookmark the island to make it easier to return.  The island is not very big so it can get crowded if more than a couple people are hunting here.

Losus Island is the spawn spot for the Crocodile.  The location can get quite boring as their is only one creature here aside from the crocodile: the alligator.

Location Information:

Monsters that can be found in Losus Island:

  • Serpent of Elindaire (9)
  • Alligator (10)
  • Crocodile (32)

    NPC's that can be found in Losus Island:

  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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