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Giran Caves 2F  (GC2F)
Area Description
The Giran Caves are located Southeast of Giran, West of Kent, West of Heine, and North of Silver Knights Town.

Entrance to the Caves:
Take the road going between Giran and Silver Knights Town Bridge. Towards the bottom of the road, walk to the right until you find the cave entrance. It should be about 2 screens off the road.

Location Information:
Map of Giran Caves 2F:
  • View the Map

    A good spot to hunt, just remember to morph and bring some cure poison potions or twig of ent. Also bring whetstones, to repair your armor after Blob's attacks.

    Monsters that can be found in Giran Caves 2F:

  • Blob (5)
  • Giran Lizardman (15)
  • Giran Crabman (17)
  • Giran Vakuuk (19)
  • Giran Arachnevil Elder (20)
  • Giran Ramia (22)

    NPC's that can be found in Giran Caves 2F:

  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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