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Forgotten Island  (FI)
Area Description
First note you must be level 45 to hunt on this island!  You must travel to the Heine Wharf and purchase a ticket for 10K.  Board the boat when it arrives and then wait until you arrive on the staging island.  In the middle of the island is an "onground" teleport to FI.  There is only one way on the island and 1 way off: by finding one of the two teleport NPCs.  Be sure to save 1 adena to get off the island.  Another note you might want to make is that it is very expensive to buy items there.  For example Lesser Heal Pot (70a), Heal Pot (400a), Greater Heal Pot (1000a), Haste (440a), and Greater Haste (3300a).

If you die or restart on the island, you will restart on Forgotten Island where you first appeared after leaving the staging island (just above a boat wreck.) If you ever get seperated from your group, just restart and you will all be in the same spot.  This spot is also located just to the left of Lucky, the random teleporter.

View the map of the Staging Island

View the map of Forgotten Island
Location Information:
Map of Forgotten Island:
  • View the Map

    The monsters on forgotten island are a bit harder than the mops on the mainland.  They drop mainly potions and no adena. The reason people hunt them is for the experience and for the hope of a rare drop.  Be sure to hunt in a group and remember not to run out ot potions.

    Monsters that can be found in Forgotten Island:

  • Forgotten Island Alligator (20)
  • Forgotten Island Lizardman (20)
  • Forgotten Island Arachnevil (34)
  • Forgotten Island Werewolf (34)
  • Forgotten Island Dark Elf (35)
  • Forgotten Island Owlbear (35)
  • Forgotten Island Ghast (36)
  • Forgotten Island Bugbear (37)
  • Forgotten Island Lycanthrope (37)
  • Forgotten Island Minotaur (Axe) (37)
  • Forgotten Island Ramia (37)
  • Forgotten Island Arachnevil Elder (38)
  • Forgotten Island Griffon (41)
  • Forgotten Island Harpy (41)
  • Forgotten Island Minotaur (Mace) (41)
  • Forgotten Island Crocodile (42)
  • Forgotten Island Doppelganger (42)
  • Forgotten Island Ghast Lord (43)
  • Forgotten Island Troll (43)
  • Forgotten Island Ettin (45)
  • Forgotten Island King BugBear (45)
  • Forgotten Island Cockatrice (47)
  • Forgotten Island Basilisk (48)
  • Forgotten Island Cyclops (50)
  • Forgotten Island Drake (53)
  • Greater Minotaur (53)

    NPC's that can be found in Forgotten Island:

  • Chicky (General Merchant)
  • Ishiris (Teleporter)
  • Lucky (Teleporter)
  • Oblivion (Boat Ticket Sales)
  • Tilon (General Item Merchant)
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
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