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Dragon Valley Caves 5F  (DVC 5F)
Area Description
The Dragon Valley Caves have 7 floors with the 7th floor being the lair of the earth dragon, Antharas.  The diffuculty gets harder as you near the 7th floor.  There are four entrances into DVC from DV and one entrance into DVC from the Elven Caves.

Location Information:
Map of Dragon Valley Caves 5F:
  • View the Map

    The fifth floor is much like the fourth floor with a wide variety of monsters.  The addition of the Succubus Queen makes it slightly more difficult.  A MR is highly recommended if you want to hunt this floor.

    Monsters that can be found in Dragon Valley Caves 5F:

  • Slime (6)
  • Muryan (30)
  • Ettin (35)
  • Succubus (37)
  • Succubus Queen (41)

    NPC's that can be found in Dragon Valley Caves 5F:

  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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