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Resistance Village 
Area Description
Resistance Village can be found within the Great Cavern.

To travel to Resistance Village, choose any of the following options:
1. Speak to the Large Cave Teleporter NPC in the Diad Fortress when fortress is player-owned.  NOTE: Dark Elves will need to polymorph before speaking to the NPC in order to receive teleport options.
2. Use Scroll of Teleportation - Large Cave.
3. Use Scroll of Return - Resistance Village. You will have to be in Recluse Village in order to use scroll.

From the Resistance Village area, players may access the Oum Dungeon (one-way) and the Ancient Giant Ruins Northeast ONLY; all other areas of the Great Cavern are inaccessible from Resistance Village.

Random teleportation and bookmarking are not allowed in this area.
Location Information:

Monsters that can be found in Resistance Village:

  • GC Mole (20)
  • GC Dire Bat (22)
  • GC Dire Wolf (24)
  • GC Dillo (25)
  • GC Dire Bear (26)
  • GC Dark Elf Thief (28)
  • GC Deep Flower (28)
  • GC Black Wizard (32)
  • GC Dark Elf Carrier (33)
  • GC Dark Forester (33)
  • GC Black Tiger (34)
  • GC Beast Summoner (35)
  • GC Dark Elf Guard [Bow] (36)
  • GC Dark Elf Ranger (38)
  • GC Dark Elf Soldier (38)
  • GC Dark Elf Beast Tamer (40)
  • GC Dark Elf Guard [Spear] (40)
  • GC Dark Elf Wizard (41)
  • GC Dark Elf General (43)

    NPC's that can be found in Resistance Village:

  • Alchemist (Alchemist)
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
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