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Talking Island Caves 1F  (TI1F)
Area Description
The Talking Island Caves are located to the west of town and just west of the entrance to the training grounds on Talking Island.

Location Information:
Map of Talking Island Caves 1F:
  • View the Map

    It is a relatively long and twisted walk to get to the stairs to the second floor.  There are two spots on this floor that people call the "zombie room" as the main monsters that spawn there are zombies.  Zombies can be great to get lawful points and thus some people will "camp" these spots to continuously kill the zombies.

    Monsters that can be found in Talking Island Caves 1F:

  • Slime (6)
  • Zombie (6)
  • Floating Eye (7)
  • Skeleton (10)
  • Stone Golem (13)
  • Baell Zaer (16)
  • Ghoul (16)

    NPC's that can be found in Talking Island Caves 1F:

  • Dilong (Quest NPC)
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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