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Area Description
Hell is an area that is only located on the Lands of Aden (LoA) server.  Hell is an area that looks much like Fire Valley aside from the many bosses that spawn very regularly there.  Hell is a place for punishment and not a hunting ground.  Getting too much of a PK count will sentence you for time in Hell.
Location Information:

When you are sent to hell you will generally lose many of your items (as you are never full lawful when you go there) and possibly a few levels.  When you die in Hell, you will return there with 1 HP, over and over again until your time there is finished.  Completeing your stay in Hell, you will restart in Orc Town. The amount of time you have to stay in Hell depends on your PK Count.

Here are some general rules and info about Hell:
1. PK count will decrease by one when you die and lose experience.
2. You don't take a PK count in combat zone.
3. You don't take a PK count if the targe is flagged as "pink" or aggressive.
4. You don't take a PK count if you are full lawful, but you do go chaotic.
5. You have a minimum time of 1 mintue in Hell.
6. You will go to Hell after the 30th PK kill.
7. You must stay alive to finish your time in Hell.  It does not count if you are lieing there dead for 1 minute.
8. You will get warnings before you are sent to Hell.  Across your screen you will see in blue letters:  "Your PK count is 29 (what ever PK you are on)".  If your PK count reaches 30, you will be sent to Hell, so be careful. At the 30th PK you will see "Your PK count has reached 30.  Now you will be sent to Hell", you have to stay X minutes as punishment.
9. Your PK count never goes down (see #1)
10. Mops drop NOTHING!
11. Mops there  Drakes, Skeleton Marksman, Orc Scouts, Imp Elders, Cerberusus, Baphomet, Death Knight, Beleth, Demon, Cockatrice

Monsters that can be found in Hell:

  • Imp Elder (6)
  • Orc Scout (14)
  • Cerberus (24)
  • Skeleton Marksman (27)
  • Cockatrice (34)
  • Basilisk (36)
  • Succubus (37)
  • Drake (48)
  • Baphomet (51)
  • Beleth (53)
  • Death Knight (55)
  • Demon (61)

    NPC's that can be found in Hell:

  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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