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Area Description
This is the closest town to the Docks to go to/come from Talking Island.  It has a few basic shops, a teleportation lady, and slime races for all those who like to gamble. A common town for many new to mid level characters to be found in.

Location Information:

Note, with Episode 2: Heaven and Earth, the city lies in ruins from the Lastabad invasion.  The slimes races have shut down and some NPCs still function (but are not located within buildings since they've been destroyed).

Monsters that can be found in Gludio:

  • Frog (1)
  • Goblin (2)
  • Orc (2)
  • Rabbit (2)
  • Deer (3)
  • Kobold (3)
  • Orc Archer (3)
  • Gremlin (4)
  • Doberman (5)
  • Dwarf (5)
  • Shepherd (5)
  • Wild Boar (6)
  • Orc Fighter (8)
  • Werewolf (9)
  • Orc Wizard/Mage (12)
  • Arachnevil/Shelob (14)
  • Lycanthrope (17)
  • Arachnevil Elder / Ungoliant (18)
  • Elder (21)

    NPC's that can be found in Gludio:

  • Aaman (Slime Race Attendant)
  • Catty (Armor/Weapon Merchant)
  • Gora (Slime Race Attendant)
  • Karim (Storage Dwarf)
  • Lolia (Inn Keeper)
  • Luth (General Item Merchant)
  • Magh (Slime Race Attendant)
  • Rollko (Merchant of Antiquities)
  • Secretary to the Mayor (Mayor's Town Secretary)
  • Steve (Teleportation NPC)
  • Village Manager (Village Manager)
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
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