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Orc Beach  (OB)
Area Description
Orc Beach is a popular spot to hunt for Tribal Orcs as well as some other occasional monsters that may spawn in the area.

The only way people make their money here is to hunt alone (no dogs or summoned/tamed creatures) and get the totems.  The totems can then be turned in for cash.

Location Information:

Monsters that can be found in Orc Beach:

  • Orc Archer (3)
  • Wolf (5)
  • Slime (6)
  • Orc Fighter (8)
  • Gandi Orc (10)
  • Orc Wizard/Mage (12)
  • Rova Orc (13)
  • Atuba Orc (15)
  • Duda-Mara Orc (15)
  • Neruga Orc (17)
  • Orc Guard (18)
  • Ghast (21)
  • Dark Elf (27)
  • Ogre (28)
  • Ghast Lord (33)

    NPC's that can be found in Orc Beach:

  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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