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Elven Caves 3F  (EC 3F)
Area Description
The Elven Caves are located southwest of the Elven Village and northeast of Orc Town.  These caves are a popular hunting place for elves.

Location Information:
Map of Elven Caves 3F:
  • View the Map

    This floor contains the more difficult Tribal Orcs although they do not drop totems.  There are quite a few other monsters that are located on this floor.

    The unique part of this floor is that the stairs that look like they lead to the fourth floor of the Elven Caves, actually leads to the third floor of Dragon Valley Caves.  Many people will use this as a shortcut to get to the 3rd floor of DVC.

    Monsters that can be found in Elven Caves 3F:

  • Fungus (4)
  • Blob (5)
  • Atuba Orc (15)
  • Ghoul (16)
  • Spartoi (16)
  • Neruga Orc (17)
  • Betrayed Orc Chief (18)
  • Ghast (21)
  • Glarielle (40)

    NPC's that can be found in Elven Caves 3F:

  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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