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Windawood/Woodbec  (WW)
Area Description
Windawood is located at the bottom of Aden, southeast of Gludio and southwest of Silver Knights Town.  There is a kennel and an inn here, but there is no armor/weapon merchant.  You will need to trave to one of the nearby towns to sell/buy these items.

Location Information:

Monsters that can be found in Windawood/Woodbec:

  • Frog (1)
  • Goblin (2)
  • Orc (2)
  • Rabbit (2)
  • Deer (3)
  • Orc Archer (3)
  • Beagle (5)
  • Shepherd (5)
  • Wolf (5)
  • Wild Boar (6)
  • Orc Fighter (8)
  • Dwarf Warrior (9)
  • Hobgoblin (14)

    NPC's that can be found in Windawood/Woodbec:

  • Aria (Quest NPC)
  • Commander Claus (Quest NPC)
  • Elmina (General Item Merchant)
  • Mack (Quest NPC)
  • Marbin (Dog Kennel)
  • Momo (Fireworks Vendor)
  • Secretary to the Mayor (Mayor's Town Secretary)
  • Tarkin (Storage Dwarf)
  • Trey (Teleportation NPC)
  • Velisa (Inn Keeper)
  • Village Manager (Village Manager)
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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