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Dwarf Beach  (DB)
Area Description
This is a good area to hunt for some mid level monsters.  Just beware of the Dwarf packs.

Location Information:

This area is located south of Glacial Lake, running alongside the River, all the way to the river.  The monsters get harder as you get past the second bridge.  It is best to polymorphed in this area.

Monsters that can be found in Dwarf Beach:

  • Dwarf (5)
  • Saint Bernard (5)
  • Zombie (6)
  • Gnoll (8)
  • Dwarf Warrior (9)
  • Troglodyte (15)
  • Ghoul (16)
  • Undead Elmore Soldier (21)
  • Undead Elmore Wizard (22)
  • Undead Elmore General (25)

    NPC's that can be found in Dwarf Beach:

  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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