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Ivory Tower 8F  (IT8F)
Area Description
The Ivory Tower is located west of Ivory Tower Town.  There are 8 floors in the tower with monsters in the 3-8th floors.  Magic can be bought and learned from various NPC's inside the tower.

Location Information:
Map of Ivory Tower 8F:
  • View the Map

    Death, Iron Golem and Silhouette are the normal inhabitants. But also the mighty boss, Demon, spawns here. Along with Demon, DV skels, FV mops, Cerberus and Cyclops might spawn here.
    (Please send us feedback, regarding which specific DV and FV mops spawn here, thanks.)

    Monsters that can be found in Ivory Tower 8F:

  • Silhouette (16)
  • Death (22)
  • Cerberus (24)
  • Skeleton Marksman (27)
  • Skeleton Fighter (29)
  • Living Armor (31)
  • Ettin (35)
  • Iron Golem (35)
  • Lava Golem (35)
  • Taurverus (39)
  • Cyclops (40)
  • Demon (61)

    NPC's that can be found in Ivory Tower 8F:

  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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