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Singing Island  (SI)
Area Description
Singing Island is the starting place for Mages and Princes.  Only characters level 1-12 are allowed on this island.

Location Information:
Map of Singing Island:
  • View the Map

    Monsters that can be found in Singing Island:

  • Goblin (2)
  • Deer (3)
  • Dwarven Miner (3)
  • Kobold (3)
  • Orc Archer (3)
  • Elazar (4)
  • Mutated Alligator (4)
  • Skeleton Mage (4)
  • Bryzak (5)
  • Dwarf (5)
  • Fatigued Ratman (5)
  • Rock Golem (5)
  • Skeleton Wizard (5)
  • Mutated Lizard (6)
  • Rotting Skeleton Guard (6)
  • Rotting Skeleton Marksman (6)
  • Slime (6)
  • Wild Boar (6)
  • Zombie (6)
  • Island Ghast (7)
  • Rotting Skeleton Fighter (7)
  • Dark Mage (8)
  • Degenerated Beholder (8)
  • Island Ghast Lord (8)
  • Orc Fighter (8)
  • Skeleton Sorcerer (8)
  • Island Cockatrice (9)
  • Island Crocodile (9)
  • Island Werewolf (9)
  • Skeleton (10)
  • Island Drake (11)

    NPC's that can be found in Singing Island:

  • Aamir (Jeweler)
  • Amy (Sorceress)
  • Armor Strengthener (Armor Enchanter)
  • Carmelia (Metal Smith)
  • Esmerelda (Fortune Teller)
  • Evilman (Chaotic Character)
  • Galiene (Skeleton Boot Quest NPC)
  • Garret (Garret the Hunter)
  • Goodman (Lawful Character)
  • Haste Master (Haste Master)
  • Healer (Healer)
  • Heather (Inn Keeper)
  • Ishtar (Teleportation NPC)
  • Jane (Leather Craftsman)
  • Johan (General Item Merchant)
  • Kohath (Fur Merchant)
  • Kun (SI Dungeon Keeper)
  • Luder (Singing Island Guardian)
  • Manfred the Tutor (The Tutor)
  • Neutralman (Neutral Character)
  • Novice Teleporter (Teleporter)
  • Peria ()
  • Polymorph Magician (Polymorph Magician)
  • Rachel (Armor Information)
  • Rion (Blacksmith)
  • Rose (Fireworks Vendor)
  • Ruba (Quest NPC)
  • Sasha (Wandering Merchant)
  • Siriss (Magician)
  • Toby (Kennel Master)
  • Weapon Enchanter (Weapon Enchanter)
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

    Lineage is a registered trademark of NCSoft.
    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
    All others: copyright (c) 2004 by
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