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Talking Island  (TI)
Area Description
Talking Island is located south of Gludio.  You can teleport here from Gludio or from Singing Island if you are below level 10 or take the boat.  This island has a lot to offer, including some caves, Gereng, a Harbor Master, as well as a wide variety of monsters to fight.

Location Information:
Map of Talking Island:
  • View the Map

    Monsters that can be found in Talking Island:

  • Frog (1)
  • Goblin (2)
  • Orc (2)
  • Rabbit (2)
  • Deer (3)
  • Kobold (3)
  • Orc Archer (3)
  • Beagle (5)
  • Doberman (5)
  • Dwarf (5)
  • Fox (5)
  • Shepherd (5)
  • Wolf (5)
  • Slime (6)
  • Wild Boar (6)
  • Zombie (6)
  • Floating Eye (7)
  • Gnoll (8)
  • Orc Fighter (8)
  • Dwarf Warrior (9)
  • Werewolf (9)
  • Stone Golem (13)
  • Arachnevil/Shelob (14)
  • Hobgoblin (14)
  • Black Knight (16)
  • Ghoul (16)
  • Lycanthrope (17)
  • Arachnevil Elder / Ungoliant (18)
  • Elder (21)
  • Kurtz (55)

    NPC's that can be found in Talking Island:

  • Balsim (Orcish Merchant)
  • Blood Pledge Administrator (Blood Pledge Administrator)
  • Cole (Fireworks Vendor)
  • Dorin (Storage Dwarf)
  • Farlin (Blacksmith's Assistant)
  • Gereng (Wizard)
  • Gunter (Quest NPC)
  • Harbor Master (Harbor Master)
  • Jem (Mage Quest NPC)
  • Johnson (Dog Kennel)
  • Ladar (Fur Merchant)
  • Lavienue (Crafter)
  • Lien (Bone Merchant)
  • Lucas (Teleportation NPC)
  • Old (Fireworks Vendor)
  • Pandora (The Peddler)
  • Raidar (Adventurer)
  • Rastian (Quest NPC)
  • Secretary to the Mayor (Mayor's Town Secretary)
  • Touma (Blacksmith)
  • Village Manager (Village Manager)
  • Zeno (Teleportation NPC)
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
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