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Turtle Island 
Area Description
This island is an area where level 30 and below players can level without the worry of being PKed.  There are no NPCs there so you must stock up before going there.  You can get there by purchasing a Teleport Scroll to Turtle Island from Pandora on Talking Island for 80a.

So far, there is no map of Turtle Island, but as far as I can tell it is the same layout as Talking Island.
Location Information:

If you escape or restart you will be returned to Talking Island.  You can not bookmark this island.

Monsters that can be found in Turtle Island:

  • Frog (1)
  • Goblin (2)
  • Orc (2)
  • Rabbit (2)
  • Deer (3)
  • Kobold (3)
  • Orc Archer (3)
  • Eidlon (4)
  • Gremlin (4)
  • Bear (5)
  • Doberman (5)
  • Dwarf (5)
  • Fox (5)
  • Imp (5)
  • Shepherd (5)
  • Wolf (5)
  • Imp Elder (6)
  • Slime (6)
  • Zombie (6)
  • Floating Eye (7)
  • Gnoll (8)
  • Orc Fighter (8)
  • Dwarf Warrior (9)
  • Werewolf (9)
  • Alligator (10)
  • Skeleton (10)
  • Orc Wizard/Mage (12)
  • Stone Golem (13)
  • Arachnevil/Shelob (14)
  • Hobgoblin (14)
  • Orc Scout (14)
  • Troglodyte (15)
  • Black Knight (16)
  • Crabman (16)
  • Ghoul (16)
  • Lycanthrope (17)
  • Arachnevil Elder / Ungoliant (18)
  • Pirate (Bow) (20)
  • Elder (21)
  • Ghast (21)
  • Pirate (Axe) (21)
  • Pirate (Club) (22)
  • Pirate (Sword) (22)
  • Dread Tom Kidd (25)
  • Turtle Dragon (Land) (26)
  • Ogre (28)
  • Crustacean (29)

    NPC's that can be found in Turtle Island:

  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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