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Nerupa - Elven Item Maker
Location/Town: Elven Forest, Elven Village
Loc (/loc): Unknown
Description: She will make you diffrent kinds of weapons and armor in exchange for the materials it takes to make them.
Nerupa sells/creates the following items:
Arrow, Battle Axe, Bless of Elm (BOE), Boots, Bow, Bracer, Club, Cross Bow (XBOW), Elven Bow (EB), Elven Breast Plate (EBP), Elven Chain Mail (ECM), Elven Cloak (EC), Elven Dagger, Elven Leather Helmet (ELH), Elven Plate Mail (EPM), Elven Shield (ES), Elven Short Sword (ESS), Fairy Dust, Low Boots, Mail Breaker (MB), Mithril Arrow, Power Gloves (PG), Rapier (RAP), Twig of Ent (Twigs) (twigs), Wooden Armor, Wooden Jacket, Wooden Shield, Yumi, Oriharukon Arrow

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