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Bius - General Item Merchant
Location/Town: Ivory Tower Town
Loc (/loc): 34065, 32291
Description: She buys and sells the basic items such as potions, scrolls and food. Located inside same house that Weapon/Armor Merchant is in.
Bius sells/creates the following items:
Blood Pledge Letter, Boots, Candy, Floating Eye Meat, Greater Haste Potions, Greater Healing Potion or Clear Potion (CLEARS), Haste Potion or Green Potions (GREENS), Healing Potion or Orange Potion (ORANGES), Lamp, Lantern, Lantern Oil, Lesser Healing Potion or Red Potion (REDS), Low Boots, Map, Pet Whistle, Potion of Cure Poison or Cyan Potion, Scroll of Curse Removal (PRAT), Scroll of Enchant Armor (ZEL), Scroll of Enchant Weapon (DAI), Scroll of Escape (Esc), Scroll of Identify, Scroll of Resurrection (REZ), Scroll of Shape Change/Polymorph (SOSC), Scroll of Teleportation, Stationary or Mail Paper, Wand of Blink, Whetstone
Bius purchases the following items:
Berserker Axe (B-AXE) (500), Blinding Potion or Opaque Potion (1), Boots (1000), Crooked Staff (650), Diamond Necklace (1500), Greater Haste Potions (750), Greater Healing Potion or Clear Potion (CLEARS) (300), Haste Potion or Green Potions (GREENS) (100), Healing Potion or Orange Potion (ORANGES) (100), High Quality Diamond/Quality Diamond (HQD) (1000), High Quality Emerald/Quality Emerald (HQE) (825), Highest/Top Quality Ruby (TQR) (1150), Lamp (5), Lantern (50), Leather Armor (50), Lesser Healing Potion or Red Potion (REDS) (18), Low Boots (150), Map (25), Meat (0), Old Trading Document (10), Orcish Helmet (75), Orcish Ring Mail (100), Orcish Shield (45), Pet Whistle (250), Potion of Cure Poison or Cyan Potion (35), Sapphire (500), Scroll of Enchant Armor (ZEL) (15500), Scroll of Enchant Weapon (DAI) (37500), Scroll of Escape (Esc) (60), Scroll of Identify (25), Scroll of Resurrection (REZ) (500), Scroll of Shape Change/Polymorph (SOSC) (650), Scroll of Teleportation (35), Search Document (10), Skeleton Skull (10), Spellbook: Call Lightning (level 5) (1250), Spellbook: Cone of Cold (level 5) (1250), Spellbook: Counter Magic (level 4) (1000), Spellbook: Curse: Paralyze (level 5) (1250), Spellbook: Darkness (level 5) (1250), Spellbook: Earthquake (level 8) (2000), Spellbook: Haste (level 6) (1500), Spellbook: Enchant Dexterity (level 4) (1000), Spellbook: Enchant Mighty (level 6) (1500), Spellbook: Remove Curse (level 5) (1250), Spellbook: Sunburst (level 6) (1500), Spellbook: Weakness (level 6) (1500), Spellbook: Weapon Break (level 4) (1000), Stationary or Mail Paper (3), Wand of Call Lightning (Ebony) (3)

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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