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Werner - Weapon Merchant
Location/Town: Giran
Loc (/loc): 33396, 32669
Description: Only weapon related items can be bought or sold here.
Werner sells/creates the following items:
Arrow, Axe, Bardiche, Battle Axe, Bec de corbin (BDC), Bill-guisarme, Bow, Broad Sword, Club, Damascus (DAMA), Fauchard, Flail, Glaive, Gradius (GRAD), Great Axe (G-AXE), Guisarme, Halberd, Katana (KAT), Lance, Long Sword, Lucern Hammer, Morning Star, Oak Staff, Partisan, Scimitar, Short Sword, Silver Arrow, Silver Long Sword or Long Silver Sword (SLS), Silver Sword (SS), Staff of Sorcery (SOS), Trident, Two Handed Sword (2HS), War Hammer, Wizards Staff or Mage Staff
Werner purchases the following items:
Axe (0)

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