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Rumiel - Belts/Evolution NPC
Location/Town: Aden
Loc (/loc): 34122, 33148
Description: Rumiel stands in the potion shop in the top corner of town. She can make the shining belts and also concentrate 6 haste potions into a greater haste potion for a fee of 500 adena. You can give her a Heart of Dragon for a Fruit of Evolution (or you can visit Raidar in Talking Island).

No, Rumiel does not sell the fruit for 1 million adena. If you select that in the conversation window, she'll say she was joking and ask you if you really have that much money. So you can only get the fruit either by giving her a heart of dragon or by going to Raidar.
Rumiel sells/creates the following items:
Greater Haste Potions, Shining Belt of Body, Shining Belt of Mind, Shining Belt of Soul, Tear of Moonlight, Fruit of Evolution, Heart of Phoenix, Heart of Drake, Heart of Golem, Heart of Ice Queen

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