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Jode - Merchant of Antiquities
No Image Available Location/Town: Gypsy Town
Loc (/loc): Unknown
Description: This NPC will sell various armors and weapons at a much higher fee than other NPC merchants, as these items are "pre-enchanted" upon purchase, enchantment level will be revealed upon identification.

Jode sells the following:
Damascus Sword for 80,000 adena
Greate Axe for 88,000 adena
Katana for 95,000 adena
Lucern Hammer for 85,000 adena
Silver Axe for 83,000 adena
Silver Sword for 77,000 adena
Banded Mail for 84,000 adena
Plate Mail for 98,000 adena
Shield of Reflection for 78,000 adena
Helm of Infravision for 69,000 adena
Jode sells/creates the following items:
Banded Mail (BM), Damascus (DAMA), Great Axe (G-AXE), Helmet of Infravision, Katana (KAT), Lucern Hammer, Plate Mail (PM), Shield of Reflection (SOR), Silver Axe, Silver Sword (SS)

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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