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Elf Quest - Level 30
1. The first thing you need to do is talk to the Mother Tree and accept the quest.  She will give you information on were to go to start your quest.  

2. Travel to the Fairy Princess (South of Elven Town at a healing tree) in the Elven Forest.  Click on the link to enter Darkmar's Dungeons. Sometimes the Fairy Princess will send you to the wrong Dungeon, there is one with a room full of Dark Elfs, this is not the room you need so escape and try again.  

3. When you find the right room you must kill Darkmar, make sure you are close enough to him to get the Cursed Spirit Scroll that he will drop (make sure you do not have pets with you).  Don't worry about the Spirits of Darkmar (you might want to use random TP to avoid them though). Just kill Darkmar and escape.

4. After you have received the Cursed Spirit Scroll, return to the Mother Tree and hand over the Cursed Spirit Scroll to her.  In return she will give you an Elven Treasure.  

5. Double click the Elven Treasure and you will receive a +0 Elven T-Shirt and the Spirit Crystal - Summon Lesser Elemental.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Elf Quest - Level 30:

  • Dark Elf (27)
  • Darkmar (27)

    NPC's that are associated with the Elf Quest - Level 30:

  • Fairy Princess (Elven Quest NPC)
  • Mother Tree (Mother of the Forest)

    Items that are associated with the Elf Quest - Level 30:

  • Cursed Spirit Scroll
  • Elven T-Shirt
  • Elven Treasure
  • Spirit Crystal: Summon Lesser Elemental (level 4)
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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