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Dark Elf - Level 15
1. Begin the quest by locating the Head Guard of Kan.  He is located near the center of Silent Cavern, along side his army and horse.

2. He will ask you to return to him the head of an Orc Elder.  This mop (Orc Wizard) spawns in the area near the Stair Way in Silence Ground.  

3. Kill the Orc Elder, make sure you are close enough to receive the drop.  He should give you the Head of an Orc Elder.

4. Return to the Head Guard of Kan, give him the Orc Head to receive your prize, Kan's Pouch.  

5. Upon double clicking the pouch you will receive  a Shadow Mask and a Dark Spirit Crystal:Purify Stone.  (You can return to town and learn this spell.)

Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Dark Elf - Level 15:

  • Orc Elder (12)

    NPC's that are associated with the Dark Elf - Level 15:

  • Kan (Head Guard - Quest NPC)

    Items that are associated with the Dark Elf - Level 15:

  • Dark Spirit Crystal: Purify Stone (level 1)
  • Kan's Pouch
  • Shadow Mask
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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