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Dark Elf - Level 30
This is a translation - some this may be a little different. It will be updated as soon as possible.

1. Ronde in Silence Cavern will tell you to go bring a Hit List, which is a list of Ken Rahuel's minions.

2. Go to the Corrupt Guard in Orc Forest and get the list from him.

3. Ronde will give you a pouch. In the pouch are 7 letters. Each letter corresponds to an NPC you must kill. You mustn't use magic to kill them. One located in each town: Kent, Gludio, Giran, Heine, Windawood, Orc Town and Aden.  From here, until the item Death Covenant drops from one of the 7 NPCs you have to receive the Ancient Assassin's Blessing from Ronde and then go kill some NPCs and repeat.  You do not necessarily have to kill all 7 and then return to renew the blessing since it wears off.  You could try to select 2 cities to travel between and kill those NPCs and return to Ronde for the blessing and go back to the same 2 cities until the Death Covenant drops.  The drop-rate for the Death Covenant has been increased, so the traveling cost should be less than it originally was (either blessed scrolls of teleportation of teleporter fees, etc.).

4. You have to go to a specific location (it will be visible on the ground) and double-click on the letter to conjure this NPC.  

5. Ronde gives you a pouch containing Shadow Gloves (AC -1, +1 CON) and Spirit Crystal: Moving Acceleration.

The level 15 quest must be completed prior to attempting this quest.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Dark Elf - Level 30:

NPC's that are associated with the Dark Elf - Level 30:

  • Ronde (Bludika's Successor - Quest NPC)

    Items that are associated with the Dark Elf - Level 30:

  • Dark Spirit Crystal: Moving Acceleration (level 2)
  • Death Covenant
  • Hit List
  • Shadow Gloves
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
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