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Calculator Quest
To start this quest, talk to Blaise near the dog races in Giran. He'll tell you he needs 1 thin plate, 5 lumps of steel and 1000 adena. The thin plate and the lumps of steel are easy to get.

For the thin plate, take 10 lumps of iron and 500 adena to Hector, the blacksmith, in Giran just north of the cross.

Each lump of steel takes 5 rough iron, 5 iron and 500 adena. Take those to Hector and he'll make them for you.

Take all the required items back to Blaise and he'll hand you a calculator.

The calculator is... just that. An in-game calculator. It might not seem useful, but it can be.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Calculator Quest:

NPC's that are associated with the Calculator Quest:

Items that are associated with the Calculator Quest:

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