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Dark Elf - Level 50
Translated by Lineage Center
Source: part 1 from Playforum
Source: part 2 from Playforum

Part 1 of the walkthrough
Part 2 of the walkthrough


1. Talk with Bludika
Bludika starts both this and the level 45 quest and is located in the Silent Cavern.

When you talk to Bludika, the link at the bottom of the conversation window will say "Hand over the Dark Star".  So for this quest you need to get the Dark Star.

2. Go to Kima mentioned in Bludika's conversation

Location of NPC Kima

At the end of his two-part and long conversation, if you click on the link that in the conversation window that says "Give result of the examination", you will see a message saying you are missing "Endia's Letter(1)".

3. Go find Endia

You could tell from Kima's conversation, but Endia is located in the area of the Elven Forest. It's not difficult finding her in the area of the Elven Dungeon. NOTE: she wanders around. Best time is right after the reset to find her.

NPC Endia

When you speak to her you need to agree to do her a favor.

4. Take Endia to fire-field farmer town's Lyra.

If you take Endia to Lyra, who is in charge of totems, then the "Endia's Bag" item will appear in your inventory and Endia disappears. If you open the bag, you will find Endia's Letter.

Endia's Bag on top, letter on bottom

5. Give "Endia's Letter" to Kima

In his next conversation you will ask about "Soul's Barren Ground".  When you get through his long conversation, he will give you the "Mask of Truth" After you receive the mask you must talk to him once more.

Kima gives you Mask of Truth
+0, 0AC, made of wood, weight 1, Unknown strength/energy

The Soul's Parched/Barren Ground is located in the ghoul area.. where only undead spawn. [Translator's notes: small wasteland below Kent, above Gludin]

At this location you will find a Corrupt Soul NPC

If you go to this place there is a "Corrupt Soul" NPC standing there. If you wear the Mask of Truth, you can see him directly, but if you do not wear it only clicking is possible. If you are not a dark elf character, he only says "......".

Left: without mask of truth worn. Right: mask of truth is worn

The Corrupt Soul will gate you to the Dungeon of Evil, but inside the Dungeon of Evil HP goes down continuously and MP does not recover as if you are heavy.

Click to enlarge. Image taken from GameAbout

To the << left is the Priest of Depravity room and
to the >> right is the Priest of Chaos room

In this place there are three types of monsters that spawn. You have to collect two types of keys.

1. Priest of Depravity: Gives the Key of Depravity.

The Priest of Depravity's speed is slow, but it has a 2-cell attack.

Priest of Depravity

2. Priest of Chaos: Gives the Key of Chaos.

The Priest of Chaos uses magic attacks.

Priest of Chaos (shown using magic)

3. Corrupt Soul: a weak monster.. -_-;;

Corrupt Soul (the monster, not the NPC)

* If you have collected the Key of Depravity and the Key of Chaos, from here on this is very important!!

Keys of Chaos and Depravity

(The walkthrough changed since it appeared on the test server, which is what the Playforum's walkthrough was based on)

As you can see in the above picture, there is a room with 3 paintings and 9 chests. When you click on the chests, they will open and some will help you by giving you a potion while others will cause more Corrupted Souls to spawn and attack you. To progress with the quest, you need to open all the chests. When you click on a painting it will turn upside-down. If you click on the wrong painting, you will be teleported back to the Priest of Depravity room.

Chest and Paintings Puzzle
Go to the wall and turn the two RIGHT pictures upside down. Open all 9 chests, ending with the one at the end in the center (the one circled in the image). Use the Key of Depravity. You will be forcibly teleported to the area shown on the right side of the image. (A confined area between two walls directly behind the paintings) Turn the LEFT picture upside down by clicking on it. Then quickly click on the Key of Chaos. This has to be very fast qlicking, as both doors has to be open to be able to enter the room. Quickly walk into the room to continue the quest. (Stub's notes: Thanks to IRONHOOK and Christian who contributed with deatiled feedback regarding this part of the quest.)

The order of events should be as follows: Turn the 2 RIGHT paintings upside down -> Open all 9 chests (as described above) -> Use Key of Depravity -> get teleported to between the walls -> turn the LEFT painting upside-down -> immediately use the Key of Chaos, Walk fast into the  room

If you did that properly, the closed off wall area will open and you can walk through the opening.  Follow the path all the way (look at the map shown earlier in this walkthrough) and you will come to a room where you will see a magical symbol on the floor.

Click on the symbol and enter the Priest of Death room.

Here, the Priest of Death awaits. (Supposedly he spawns every 8-12 hours.) The Priest of Death boasts of incredible strength. When the chill touch spell is used once, it takes away 200+ HP.

To get the Dark Star, kill the Priest of Death.

"Priest of Death gives you Dark Star."

Take the Dark Star and return to where you began the quest. If you go to Bludika, Bludika says to return with a Fungus Poison, too.

To get the Fungus Poison, go to the Mainland Caves 7th floor and purchase it from Orim for 100,000 adena. You do not have to go hunt fungus.

Purchase Fungus Poison for 100,000 adena from Orim

Take the "Fungus' Poison" and "Dark Star" and hand them over to Bludika. The left-over level 45 quest item "Assassin's Rusted Sword" will disappear and you will receive the reward Finger of Death.

Finger of Death

- "Finger of Death" is 16/4 with to hit +2, damage +1 and is 1-handed.
- With some fixed probability, it can poison its target.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Dark Elf - Level 50:

NPC's that are associated with the Dark Elf - Level 50:

  • Bludika (Quest NPC)
  • Kima (Quest NPC)
  • Orim (General Item Merchant/Quest NPC)

    Items that are associated with the Dark Elf - Level 50:

  • Dark Star
  • Endia's Bag/Wrap
  • Endia's Letter
  • Finger of Death
  • Fungus Poison
  • Key of Chaos
  • Key of Depravity
  • Mask of Truth
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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