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Knight Quest - Level 30
0. You must have completed Knight Quest- level 15.

1. To begin the quest, you must visit Mark at the Desert Oasis.  

2. He will tell you to go see Gunter in Talking Island.  Gunter will tell you to go on a hunt for an Arachnevil Elder's Claw.  You must go to the south beach area of Talking Island to retrieve this.  

3. Kill Arachnevil Elders until you obtain a Claw.  

4. Return the Arachnevil Elder's Claw to Gunter, in return he will give you a Red Knight's Sword.  This sword is yours to keep.  From there he will tell you to go see Gerard in Silver Knight's Town.  

5. Gerard in Silver Knight's Town will tell you to go to a passageway that is located near the bow practice range in SKT.  

6. To perform this part of the quest you must take off all your armor, which is done automatically when you enter the cave, only using the Red Knight's Sword.  You may NOT use healing potions, nor may you use escapes, but you CAN use Braves, Haste and Cures.  Use the braves and haste before you go down the passage.  

7. Kill Ramia (green) in the passage until you receive a Ramia Room Key.  

8. Use the Ramia Room Key to open a door that is located just south of the stairs that you came in at.  

9. Kill the Ramia (blue) and she will give you a Ramia's Scale.  Take this back to Gerard.

10. Gerard will give you a Potion of Revival.  Take this potion with you and go to MLC 7F.  

11. Hunt BugBears until you obtain a Secret Room Key.  

12. Find Orim on MLC 7F. Stand between Orim and the book in front of him then Double Click your Secret Room Key, this will teleport you to a small room with stairs.

13. Go Down the set of stairs and talk to Jim, who is a skeleton. He will only talk to you if you are also a skeleton.  You will have the option to give him the potion, after this he will give you a Letter of Gratitude.

14. Take the Letter of Gratitude back to Gerard in SKT, he will give you the Red Knights Shield.  

Quest Complete
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Knight Quest - Level 30:

Drop Guide
  • Very Commonly Dropped
  • Commonly Dropped
  • Uncommonly Dropped
  • Rarely Dropped
  • Very Rarely Dropped
  • No Drop Frequency Known
  • Arachnevil Elder / Ungoliant
    Level: 18
    HP: 200
    MP: 30
    AC: -5
    Experience: 325
    Lawful Points: -23
    Size: Large
    Type: Normal
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    Attribute: Earth
    Weakness: Fire
    STR: 18
    CON: 16
    DEX: 14
    WIS: 6
    INT: 5
    MR: 10%
    Fire resistance: 150
    Water resistance: 90
    Wind resistance: 40
    Earth resistance: 95
    Aggressive: Y
    Aggressive to SOSC: N
    Aggressive to COI: N
    Tameable (via Magic): Y
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied:
    Tough Skinned: N
    Tribal: N
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack: N
    Two Cell Melee Attack: Y
    Area Attack: N
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: No
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: No
    Poisons target and causes HP to decrease until it is cured.
    Arachnevil Elders are creatures of ancient times before the sun and moon. Might poison the attacker, use cyan potion/twig of ent to stop the poisoning, otherwise your HP will drop for a minute and you might die.
    Location: Giran, Gludio, Heine, Kent, Talking Island, Main Land Caves 2F, Main Land Caves 3F, Main Land Caves 4F, Main Land Caves 5F, Main Land Caves 6F, Main Land Caves 7F, Dragon Valley Caves 1F, East Giran, South Giran, Northwest Giran, DV Entrance (Lycanthrope Spot), Windawood Dungeon 1F, Windawood Dungeon 2F, Gludio/Woodbec Path, Gludio/Kent Path, Ogre Beach, Giran Death Match, Gludio Death Match, Werldern Death Match, Turtle Island

    Normal Drops:
    Potion of Cure Poison or Cyan Potion
    Haste Potion or Green Potions
    Wand of Call Lightning (Ebony)
    Arachnevil Elder's Claw
    Dark Spirit Crystal: Venom Resist (level 2)
    Greater Haste Potions
    Spellbook: Enchant Dexterity (level 4)
    Spellbook: Slow (level 4)
    Spellbook: Tame Monster (level 5)
    Spellbook: Vampiric Touch (level 4)
    Spellbook: Earth Jail (level 4)
    Scroll of Enchant Armor
    Scroll of Enchant Weapon
    Spellbook: Fog of Sleeping (level 9)
    Blessed Drops:
    Scroll of Teleportation
    Cursed Drops:

    Level: 22
    HP: 250
    MP: 30
    AC: -6
    Experience: 485
    Lawful Points: -25
    Size: Large
    Type: Normal
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    Attribute: Earth
    Weakness: Water
    STR: 19
    CON: 18
    DEX: 12
    WIS: 12
    INT: 10
    MR: 10%
    Fire resistance: 30
    Water resistance: 180
    Wind resistance: 90
    Earth resistance: 95
    Aggressive: Y
    Aggressive to SOSC: Y
    Aggressive to COI: N
    Tameable (via Magic): Y
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied:
    Tough Skinned: N
    Tribal: N
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack: N
    Two Cell Melee Attack: N
    Area Attack: N
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: No
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: No
    Bugbears are violent creatures of lore, legends of which are used to scare disobedient children. Wielding a club, the Bugbear is a violent creature.
    Location: Main Land Caves 2F, Main Land Caves 3F, Main Land Caves 4F, Main Land Caves 5F, Main Land Caves 6F, Main Land Caves 7F, Waste Land, Silver Knight Town Caves (Desert Caves) 2F, Silver Knight Town Caves (Desert Caves) 3F, Silver Knight Town Caves (Desert Caves) 4F, Windawood Dungeon 1F, Windawood Dungeon 2F, Giran Death Match, Gludio Death Match, Werldern Death Match

    Normal Drops:
    Battle Axe
    Secret Room Key
    Dark Spirit Crystal: Burning Spirit (level 2)
    Great Axe
    Spellbook: Fireball (level 4)
    Spellbook: Weapon Break (level 4)
    Splint Mail
    Spellbook: Sunburst (level 6)
    Paagrio's Ash
    Scroll of Enchant Armor
    Scroll of Enchant Weapon
    Maphr's Strife
    Blessed Drops:
    Scroll of Teleportation
    Cursed Drops:


    Concept Art
    Level: 22
    HP: 200
    MP: 30
    AC: -6
    Experience: 485
    Lawful Points: -25
    Size: Large
    Type: Normal
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    Attribute: Fire
    Weakness: Air
    STR: 15
    CON: 15
    DEX: 12
    WIS: 12
    INT: 10
    MR: 10%
    Fire resistance: 70
    Water resistance: 50
    Wind resistance: 190
    Earth resistance: 100
    Aggressive: Y
    Aggressive to SOSC: N
    Aggressive to COI: N
    Tameable (via Magic): N
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied:
    Tough Skinned: N
    Tribal: N
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack: N
    Two Cell Melee Attack: N
    Area Attack: N
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: No
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: No
    Poisons target and causes HP to decrease until it is cured.
    With the body of a human female and the long tail of a snake, the Ramia attacks by wrapping her tail around her victims to immobilize them as she moves in for the kill. There are two colored Ramias, one is blue and one is green.
    Location: Heine, Silver Knights Town, Heine Caves 1F, Heine Caves 2F, Heine Caves 3F, Talking Island Death Match, Aden Sewer

    Normal Drops:
    Potion of Cure Poison or Cyan Potion
    Key to Ramia's Room
    Battle Axe
    Spellbook: Fireball (level 4)
    Spellbook: Frozen Cloud (level 3)
    Spellbook: Weapon Break (level 4)
    Dark Spirit Crystal: Venom Resist (level 2)
    Shining Scale
    Potion of Mana
    Eva's Gift
    Scroll of Enchant Weapon
    Spirit Crystal: Resist Magic (level 1)
    Scroll of Enchant Armor
    Relic of Eva
    Silver Serpent Scale
    Blessed Drops:
    Scroll of Teleportation
    Cursed Drops:

    NPC's that are associated with the Knight Quest - Level 30:

    Edward - Kennel Master
    No Image Available Location/Town: Silver Knights Town
    Loc (/loc): Unknown
    Description: Edward is the dog keeper. If you wish to receive or store your dog while in SKT, talk to him.

    Gerard - Knight Quest
    Location/Town: Silver Knights Town
    Loc (/loc): 33099, 33353
    Description: As a knight, talk to Gerard about the "Road of Pain" Quest. Upon completion, he will give you a shield of silver knight.
    Gerard sells/creates the following items:
    Potion of Revival, Shield of Red Knight (SRK)

    Gunter - Quest NPC
    Location/Town: Talking Island
    Loc (/loc): Unknown
    Description: As a Knight you will receive the Red Knight's Sword after passing Gunter's Quest.
    Gunter sells/creates the following items:
    Red Knights Sword (RKS), Spellbook: True Target

    Jim - Quest NPC
    Location/Town: Main Land Caves 7F
    Loc (/loc): Unknown
    Description: You must give him the Potion of Revival to obtain the Letter of Thanks.
    Jim sells/creates the following items:
    Letter of Gratitude

    Mark - Quest NPC
    No Image Available Location/Town: Silver Knights Town
    Loc (/loc): Unknown
    Description: Visit Mark for your first clue to the Level 30 Knight's Quest.

    Items that are associated with the Knight Quest - Level 30:

    Arachnevil Elder's Claw
    Class: Knight
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    You must obtain this item, return it to Gunter and you will receive your reward.

    Normal Drops: Arachnevil Elder / Ungoliant

    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:

    Key to Ramia's Room
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    You must obtain this key from a ramia in the SKT underground passage.

    Normal Drops: Ramia

    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:

    Letter of Gratitude
    Class: Knight
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    You must obtain this letter and return it to Gerard for your reward.
    Sold/Created By: Jim (Main Land Caves 7F)
    Purchased By:

    Potion of Revival
    Class: Knight
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    You must obtain this potion from Gerard and take it to Jim on MLC 7F.
    Sold/Created By: Gerard (Silver Knights Town)
    Purchased By: Berry - 10 (Werldern)

    Ramia Scale
    Class: Knight
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    This item is needed for the Level 30 Knights Quest.
    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:

    Secret Room Key
    Weight: 1
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price: 10a
    You must obtain this key from a bugbear on MLC 7F to enter the secret room to visit Jim.

    Normal Drops: Bugbear

    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:

    Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

    Lineage is a registered trademark of NCSoft.
    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
    All others: copyright (c) 2004 by
    Contact info: webmaster AT