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Mage Quest - Level 30
1) Talk to Gereng in Talking Island, he will send you to the TI caves looking for a Skeleton Guard.  You must cast turn undead on him and he should drop an Undead key (Stay close to him so you will get the drop).  

2) Then you must find Dilong, an NPC at the stairs of TI Dungeon.  The Undead Key will let you enter the Skeleton Dungeon.  Go through the door and look for a Zombie (he is alone).  Cast Turn Undead on him.  He will give you a Zombie Key (Stay close to him so you will get the drop).

3) Continue walking around until you find an Ettin, use Cancel on him.  He will turn into a skeleton.  Cast Turn Undead on the skeleton, he will give you a Skeleton Key.  

4) Once you have obtained this key, wonder around until you find a room with 2 zombies and 1 Orc Zombie.  Kill the Orc Zombie and then use the Create Zombie spell on it.  Get the zombie onto the platform and proceed to the next level.  

5) Now be prepared, you will not be able to use pots here!  On this floor you will come across Betrayer of Undead (a grim reaper).  He will cast erupt on you so be careful.  You must turn him undead until you receive an escape scroll or a Bone Piece.  

6) Once you receive the undead bone piece you need to go see Orim in MLC 7F.  Purchase the Mystery Crystal Ball for 100,000 adena.  

7) After you have purchased that, head to Gereng in Talking Island to trade the Undead Bone Piece for an Undead Bone and trade the Mystery Crystal Ball for the Mystery Crystal Staff.  

8) After you have accomplished this, go to the Ivory Tower 3F, in Oren, Talk to Talass and trade him the Undead Bone and the Mystery Staff for the Crystal Staff of Mana.

*Some hints to keep in mind*
a. Once you have entered the Skeleton Dungeon, all weapons and ac will unequip.
b. Take Wisdom Potions before going into the Dungeon and polymorph into a dwarf or ghast to out run the Ettin/Skeletons.
c. If you need to escape, it is ok, you will keep your keys.
d. Use the Control Key when canceling the Ettin!
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Mage Quest - Level 30:

  • Zombie (6)
  • Orc Zombie (10)
  • Skeleton (10)
  • Betrayer of Undead (27)
  • Skeleton Guard (27)
  • Ettin (35)

    NPC's that are associated with the Mage Quest - Level 30:

  • Dilong (Quest NPC)
  • Gereng (Wizard)
  • Orim (General Item Merchant/Quest NPC)

    Items that are associated with the Mage Quest - Level 30:

  • Crystal Staff of Mana
  • Mystery Crystal Ball
  • Mystery Crystal Staff
  • Skeleton Key
  • Undead Bone Piece
  • Undead Key
  • Zombie Key
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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