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Ruby Ring Quest
Completing this quest will give you the Ruby Ring (+6 HP).  

1. To complete this quest you will need (1) Ring, (1) Ruby, and 100 adena.  

2. The first thing you need to do is to collect the components to make the ring.  You will need (2) lumps of metal and 20 adena. To make the ring you will need to locate a Metal Smith Carmelia (SI), Emma (HV) or Sarah (Heine).  

3. Now you are ready for the next step in making the Ruby Ring.  You will now need to find a ruby.

4. When you have all the components you can take them to one of the Jewelers: Aamir (SI), Ayize (HV) or Benole (Heine). He will make the Ruby Ring for you.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Ruby Ring Quest:

Drop Guide
  • Very Commonly Dropped
  • Commonly Dropped
  • Uncommonly Dropped
  • Rarely Dropped
  • Very Rarely Dropped
  • No Drop Frequency Known
  • NPC's that are associated with the Ruby Ring Quest:

    Aamir - Jeweler
    Location/Town: Singing Island
    Loc (/loc): 32813, 32780
    Description: Aamir is the Jeweler in SI. She will create the Ruby, Sapphire, Moonstone, and Carnelian rings if you return the required components to her.
    Aamir sells/creates the following items:
    Carnelian Ring, Moonstone Ring, Ruby Ring, Sapphire Ring

    Ayize - Jeweler
    Location/Town: Hidden Valley
    Loc (/loc): 32702, 32848
    Description: Ayize is the Jeweler in HV. She will create the Ruby, Sapphire, Moonstone, and Carnelian rings if you return the required components to her.
    Ayize sells/creates the following items:
    Carnelian Ring, Moonstone Ring, Ruby Ring, Sapphire Ring

    Benole - Jeweler
    Location/Town: Heine
    Loc (/loc): 33607, 33255
    Description: He is located in Heine just to the left of the teleporter and he will take your rings and enchant them. He can make Sapphire, Ruby, Moonstone, and Carnelian rings. He will also crafts armor items for the Sayha's, Eva's, Paagrio's and Maphr's Sets, although you will have to be a lvl 40+ Prince(ss) to be able to talk to him about those items.
    Benole sells/creates the following items:
    Carnelian Ring, Diamond Necklace, Emerald Necklace, Eva's Plate Armor, Eva's Visor, Maphr's Plate Armor, Maphr's Visor, Moonstone Ring, Paagrio's Plate Armor, Paagrio's Visor, Ruby Necklace, Ruby Ring, Sapphire Necklace, Sapphire Ring, Sayha's Plate Armor, Sayha's Visor

    Carmelia - Metal Smith
    Location/Town: Singing Island
    Loc (/loc): Unknown
    Description: Carmelia will create a plain ring if you return the required components to her.
    Carmelia sells/creates the following items:

    Emma - Metal Smith
    Location/Town: Hidden Valley
    Loc (/loc): 32705, 32888
    Description: If you talk to Emma with the required components, she will create a plain ring for you.

    Emma sells/creates the following items:

    Sarah - Metal Smith
    No Image Available Location/Town: Heine
    Loc (/loc): Unknown
    Description: Located in Heine near storage dwarf, she will make you a ring or amulet. You can take the ring/amulet to Benole to have it enchanted. (Note: you must be a lvl 30+ prince(ss) in order to craft an amulet. Any lvl/class can craft a ring.)
    Sarah sells/creates the following items:
    Amulet, Ring

    Items that are associated with the Ruby Ring Quest:

    Class: Elf, Knight, Mage, Royals
    Weight: 3
    AC: 0
    Episode 5: N
    Plain ring that is used a component for other rings.

    Normal Drops: Dwarven Miner, Skeleton Mage

    Sold/Created By: Carmelia (Singing Island), Emma (Hidden Valley), Sarah (Heine)
    Purchased By:
    Item Creation: Take the required items to one of the Metal Smiths to make the ring.

    Base Creation Elements: Adena (20) , Lump of Metal (2)

    Used in Creation of: Carnelian Ring , Moonstone Ring , Ruby Ring , Sapphire Ring

    Class: All
    Weight: 0
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    Can be sold to stores. The Ruby is also used to make Elven Items such as the Rapier.

    Normal Drops: Drake, Ice Queen, Iris, Caspa, Antharas, Giant Ant, Black Knight, Gnoll, Giant Soldier Ant, Atuba Orc, Neruga Orc, Death Knight, Giant Ant Queen, Fire Necromancer, Horrific Cerberus, Greater Minotaur, Lesser Dragon, Beleth, Phoenix, Beleth of Varlok, Ifrit, Lava Golem, Taurverus, Imp Elder, Orc Scout, Cerberus, Escaped Black Knight, Duda-Mara Orc, Gandi Orc, Wild Venom, Fire Egg, Fire Warrior, Crustacean, Giran Cerberus

    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By: Ralf - 500 (Werldern), Ashur - 500 (Desert)

    Used in Creation of: Body of Oriharukon Sword , Body of Oriharukon Sword , Cloak of Fire , Heart of Phoenix , Oriharukon-Coated Horn (orihorn) , Oriharukon-Coated Horn (orihorn) , Paagrio's Plate Armor , Paagrio's Visor , Ruby Necklace , Ruby Ring

    Ruby Ring
    Class: All
    Episode 5: N
    This ring will give you +6 HP when worn.
      +6 HP
    Sold/Created By: Aamir (Singing Island), Ayize (Hidden Valley), Benole (Heine)
    Purchased By:
    Item Creation: You will need 1 Ring, 1 Ruby, and 100a

    Base Creation Elements: Adena (100) , Ring (1) , Ruby (1)

    Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

    Lineage is a registered trademark of NCSoft.
    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
    All others: copyright (c) 2004 by
    Contact info: webmaster AT