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Elf Quest - Level 30
1. The first thing you need to do is talk to the Mother Tree and accept the quest.  She will give you information on were to go to start your quest.  

2. Travel to the Fairy Princess (South of Elven Town at a healing tree) in the Elven Forest.  Click on the link to enter Darkmar's Dungeons. Sometimes the Fairy Princess will send you to the wrong Dungeon, there is one with a room full of Dark Elfs, this is not the room you need so escape and try again.  

3. When you find the right room you must kill Darkmar, make sure you are close enough to him to get the Cursed Spirit Scroll that he will drop (make sure you do not have pets with you).  Don't worry about the Spirits of Darkmar (you might want to use random TP to avoid them though). Just kill Darkmar and escape.

4. After you have received the Cursed Spirit Scroll, return to the Mother Tree and hand over the Cursed Spirit Scroll to her.  In return she will give you an Elven Treasure.  

5. Double click the Elven Treasure and you will receive a +0 Elven T-Shirt and the Spirit Crystal - Summon Lesser Elemental.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Elf Quest - Level 30:

Drop Guide
  • Very Commonly Dropped
  • Commonly Dropped
  • Uncommonly Dropped
  • Rarely Dropped
  • Very Rarely Dropped
  • No Drop Frequency Known
  • Dark Elf
    Level: 27
    HP: 350
    MP: 110
    AC: -24
    Experience: 730
    Lawful Points: -35
    Size: Small
    Type: Normal
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    Attribute: Air
    Weakness: Fire
    STR: 16
    CON: 14
    DEX: 16
    WIS: 16
    INT: 16
    MR: 30%
    Fire resistance: 180
    Water resistance: 50
    Wind resistance: 60
    Earth resistance: 115
    Aggressive: Y
    Aggressive to SOSC: Y
    Aggressive to COI: Y
    Tameable (via Magic): N
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied:
    Tough Skinned: N
    Tribal: N
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack: Y
    Two Cell Melee Attack: Y
    Area Attack: Y
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: No
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: No
    The evil nature of these elves has turned their skin to black. They attack at a distance using bows and closeup using Tornado.
    Location: Giran, Heine, Orc Town, Orc Beach, East Giran, South Giran, DV Entrance (Lycanthrope Spot), Orc Forest, Giran Death Match, Gludio Death Match, Darkmar's Dungeon, Werldern Death Match, Forest of Dawn

    Normal Drops:
    Mithril Arrow
    Elven Wafer
    Lump of Rough Mithril
    Elven Bow
    Elven Breast Plate
    Elven Cloak
    Condensed Healing Potions
    Essence of Nobility
    Royal Nectar
    Spellbook: Tornado (level 7)
    Spirit Crystal: Wind Shot (level 3)
    Spirit Crystal: Eye of Storm (level 4)
    Dark Boots
    Scroll of Enchant Armor
    Fruit of Ent
    Spellbook: Invisibility (level 8)
    Wind Tear
    Spirit Crystal: Return to Nature (level 3)
    White Dragon Scales
    Dark Elf Sandals
    Blessed Drops:
    Cursed Drops:

    Level: 27
    HP: 350
    MP: 110
    AC: -24
    Experience: 730
    Lawful Points: -10
    Size: Small
    Type: Normal
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    STR: 16
    CON: 14
    DEX: 16
    WIS: 16
    INT: 16
    MR: 30%
    Fire resistance: 125
    Water resistance: 50
    Wind resistance: 90
    Earth resistance: 115
    Aggressive: Y
    Aggressive to SOSC: Y
    Aggressive to COI: Y
    Tameable (via Magic): N
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied: N
    Tough Skinned: N
    Tribal: N
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack: Y
    Two Cell Melee Attack: Y
    Area Attack: Y
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: No
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: No
    Location: Darkmar's Dungeon

    Normal Drops:
    Cursed Spirit Scroll
    Blessed Drops:
    Cursed Drops:

    NPC's that are associated with the Elf Quest - Level 30:

    Fairy Princess - Elven Quest NPC
    Location/Town: Elven Forest
    Loc (/loc): 32968, 32443
    Description: You must visit her to enter Darkmar's Dungeon. She is located southwest of the Elven Village.

    Mother Tree - Mother of the Forest
    Location/Town: Elven Village
    Loc (/loc): Unknown
    Description: This tree is the Mother of the Elven Forest. If you stand next to her you will regen a bit faster. You must also see her for the Elf Initiation Test.

    Items that are associated with the Elf Quest - Level 30:

    Cursed Spirit Scroll
    Class: Elf
    Weight: 20
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    You will obtain this item after you kill Darkmar. You must take it to the mother tree in exchange for an Elven Treasure (Elven T-Shirt & Lesser Summons Spirit Crystal)

    Normal Drops: Darkmar

    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:

    Used in Creation of: Elven Treasure

    Elven T-Shirt (E-TS)
    Class: Elf
    Weight: 5
    AC: 0
    Episode 5: N
    Armor Set: No available information.
    Safe Enchant Level: +6
    Approximate Sale Price:
    Damageable: N
    The best T-Shirt for an elf to use.
    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:
    Item Creation: This item can be received by completing the Level 30 Elven Quest for the Elf.

    Base Creation Elements: Elven Treasure (1)

    Elven Treasure
    Class: Elf
    Weight: 10
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    You will receive this item after returning the Cursed Spirit Scroll to the Mother Tree.
    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:
    Item Creation: Talk to Mother Tree After having killed Darkmar, and received Cursed Spirit Scroll

    Base Creation Elements: Cursed Spirit Scroll (1)

    Used in Creation of: Elven T-Shirt (E-TS)

    Spirit Crystal: Summon Lesser Elemental (level 4)
    Class: Elf
    Alignment: Nuetral
    HP/MP/I: 0 / 20 / 2 SG
    Type/Element: Common
    Duration: 1 Hour
    Target: None
    Summons the spirit of a chosen line of magic. However, during the duration, other existing spirits cannot be called. This magic can only be used after choosing a line of magic.
    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:

    Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

    Lineage is a registered trademark of NCSoft.
    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
    All others: copyright (c) 2004 by
    Contact info: webmaster AT