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Knight Quest - Level 45
**You will need to take a mage or elf that has the spell cancel with you to Twilight Mountains**

1. Locate Marshall in Werldern.  He will tell you to visit Jimu in the Twilight Mountains.

2. After visiting Jimu he will tell you to that you need a Night Vision Hood.  He tells you to Kill a Right Hand Bandit.(He is the only one that will drop this Hood!)    

3. You must then find the Elder Giant at the enterance of ToI.  Speak to him before you try to kill the Giant Guardian.

4. You must wear the Night Vision Hood that you obtained from the Bandit to see the Giant Guardian, otherwise he is invisible.  

5. After killing the Giant Guardian you will receive a Giant's Pouch.  This will contain several items.  

6. After killing the Giant Guardian and opening the pouch, you need to speadk to the Giant Elder again and give him the Ancient Inheritance.  He will then give you a Piece of Ancient Key and some information about Scout. Then, you need to follow the waters edge (in Twilight Mountians area) and find Scout.  At this point you will need a mage or elf with the spell cancel.

7. You must get someone to cancel Scout, he will then turn into an old man.  You will need to accept his mission and WALK him all the way to Oren.

8. You must deliver Scout to a Guard that is waiting behind the Inn in Oren.  Click on the guard to deliver Scout.

9. Return to Marshall for your reward.

Quest Complete!  

Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Knight Quest - Level 45:

  • Right-Hand Bandit (20)
  • Giant Guardian (40)

    NPC's that are associated with the Knight Quest - Level 45:

  • Giant Elder (Quest NPC)
  • Jimu (Quest NPC)
  • Marshall (Quest NPC)
  • Scout (Quest NPC)

    Items that are associated with the Knight Quest - Level 45:

  • Ancient Inheritance
  • Belt of Bravery
  • Giant's Pouch
  • Night Vision Hood
  • Piece of Ancient Key (Knight)
  • Sword of Heaven
  • Torn Scout's Report
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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