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Black Knight Adjutant Quest
NOTE: this walkthrough is incomplete.  I (Wae) have not done the quest yet.

To start the quest, locate the Black Knight Adjutant NPC on the 4th floor of the Silver Knight Town's caves.  He will be at the end of two rows of Black Knight NPCs (they do not attack you).

To obtain the sword, you will need the sword's component whose name is the same as the sword in the U.S. version.  (The component's name is different in the Korean one.)  I would imagine you would obtain the component from Kurtz, himself.

As for how to actually talk to the Adjutant NPC, you must be in Kurtz morph.  He will then address you as Kurtz.  However, if you do not appear in Kurtz morph, the adjutant NPC will refuse to talk to you and say you must die.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Black Knight Adjutant Quest:

NPC's that are associated with the Black Knight Adjutant Quest:

  • Black Knight Adjutant (Quest NPC)

    Items that are associated with the Black Knight Adjutant Quest:

  • Sword of Kurtz
  • Sword of Kurtz (component)
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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