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Dark Elf - Level 45
This description is based on Chance's very detailed instructions given in his LinBlog of October 4.

1. You initiate the quest by talking to Bludika in the Elder Room in Silent Cavern. He then refers you to Koup the NPC Blacksmith who crafts weapons for DE.

2. Then you head to Elven Dungeon outside 1F and morph to Assassin, make sure you restart in order for the NPC by Elven Dungeon to speak with you.

3. You will then head to Roje who is located in a house West of Oren Storage Dwarf. You will then be send on a quest to kill a Wicked Yeti.
On first kill, the Yeti drops its head:

4. Return to Roje, give him the Wicked Yeti's Head and he will give you the Assassin's Token:

5. Make sure you talk to Roje again after having received the Token.
He will refer you to The Assassin Master, who is located in Elven Dungeon 3F, east of the stairs once you get there:

6. Standing on the square block, double click on the Token to enter the room.

7. Make sure you wear MR items or fire rings and have good supply of Orange Potions since Asssassin Master and his Assisstants together can do quite a lot of damage. Assassin Master does Fire Storm spell and uses melee as you get close up.

8. Head back to Bludika in the Elder Room, double click on the Assassin Master's Box. Talk to Bludika and he will give you DSC: Uncanny Dodge and Shadow Boots (+50hp, AC -2, safely +4)

Remember that Shadow Armors and Dark Armors are not the same. Some people seem to get confused on which is which. Before enchanting in case you might over-zel the item, check our guide to make sure if it's safely +4 or +6.

Stay safe and have fun ^^.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Dark Elf - Level 45:

  • Wicked Yeti (30)

    NPC's that are associated with the Dark Elf - Level 45:

  • Bludika (Quest NPC)
  • Koup (Blacksmith)
  • Roje (Quest NPC)

    Items that are associated with the Dark Elf - Level 45:

  • Assassin Master's Box
  • Assassin's Rusted Sword
  • Assassin's Token
  • Dark Spirit Crystal: Uncanny Dodge (level 3)
  • Head of Yeti
  • Overseer's Document
  • Shadow Boots
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
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