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Red Key Quest
Knights in Hidden Valley will hear the shouts of the apprentice knight Tio, who ponders the contents of the underground dungeon just outside of town and worries that if the dungeon is ignored that terrible things will happen.

1) Talk to Tio, he will tell you that his mentor in Silver Knight Town has tasked him with finding a brave warrior to investigate the underground dungeon for the citizens of Hidden Valley. If you agree to examine the underground dungeon, Tio asks you to bring back a Red Key from the dungeon as evidence of your excursion.

2) Talk to the Wizard Coco located outside of the entrance to the dungeon to be teleported inside to begin your quest. You can find the location of the Cursed Ettin by reading the passages on the underground dungeon wall(they look like spider webs on the wall).

4) Defeat the Cursed Ettin to receive the Red Key. Keep in mind this ettin is fairly strong, you might need a few extra pots to defeat him. You don't have to defeat him alone to receive the key. However, he will only drop 1 key at a time.

5) Return the Red Key back to Tio, he will give you the Hidden Valley Amulet as your reward.

Please note: Only Knights will be able to exchange the Red Key for the Hidden Valley Amulet.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Red Key Quest:

  • Cursed Ettin (11)

    NPC's that are associated with the Red Key Quest:

  • Tio (Quest NPC)

    Items that are associated with the Red Key Quest:

  • Amulet of Hidden Valley
  • Red Key
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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