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Mage Quest - Level 45
1. Locate Talass in the Ivory Tower 3F to begin the quest.  He will then send you to the Forest of Mirrors to find a suprising creature.  Talass asks you to return to him with the Record of the Ancient Devil.

2. You must now visit the Mysterious Rock in the Forest of Mirror.  You need to accept the quest from the Mysterious Rock.

3. Now you must locate the special Doppelganger in the Forest of Mirror.  He spawns around this location (typing /loc): 33765, 33237. You must feed it a Bless of Eva and kill it. If and when you find the special Doppelganger, he will give you a bottle of Doppelganger Regurgitation upon his death.  There are lots of Doppelgangers out here and this special Doppelganger looks just like them, he has no special features. But one this we did notice is he is one of the Doppels that will turn into other characters(or your character).  When you do find this particular Doppel, you will know, he hits very hard and has alot of HP.

Note: You can't use summons or pets, while doing this part of the quest. You can receive healings.

4. Once you have received the Doppelganger Regurgitation, return it and a Spellbook of Cancel Magic to the Mysterious Rock.  For his thanks he will give you a Record of the Ancient Devil.  
Edit: Under LoA-rules, Spellbook (Cancel Magic) is not a requirement, instead you need to get an Ancient Magic Crystal one of two ways: (1) Take a Spellbook (Cancel Magic) to Orim on the 6th floor of Mainland Caves and he will trade it with you for an Ancient Magic Crystal or (2) kill the Ancient Demon on the 4th floor of the Tower of Insolence.

5. Return this Record of the Ancient Devil to Talass in IT 3F.  He will give you a Magic Bag of Talass in exchange for your troubles.  

6. Double clicking on the Bag will give you a Mana Cloak and a Wisdom of the Ancient.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Mage Quest - Level 45:

  • Doppelganger (19)

    NPC's that are associated with the Mage Quest - Level 45:

  • Mysterious Rock (Quest NPC)
  • Orim (General Item Merchant/Quest NPC)
  • Talass (Sayha Bow Maker)

    Items that are associated with the Mage Quest - Level 45:

  • Bless of Eva
  • Cloak of Mana
  • Doppelganger Regurgitation
  • Magic Bag of Talass
  • Record of the Ancient Devil
  • Spellbook: Cancel Magic (level 6)
  • Wisdom of the Ancient People
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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