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Marba's Quest

* Take plenty of twigs or a Ring of Zenith. There’s lots of poison down there.

* You’ll get a ton of junk. Prepare to be overweight or have to drop stuff. I did do part of this with a summon to mule, but you can’t do quests in a party. (I haven’t retried with a summon since the last reset either.)

* On 3f, only bother hitting Contaminated Ogres, Contaminated Ghasts and Contaminated Trolls. They’re the only things that drop the Large Crystals. That’s pretty much the same thing on each floor (see the guide below as to what mop drops what).

* You can’t random on 3f, but you can use it on 1f and 2f. It’s helpful to find the Contaminated mops you need on those floors.

* Remember Orcs are tribal. Hit one, and any around will come after you. Also see the chart below to see what mops are aggro and which are not.

* Of the Large crystals, the Large Green Crystals were the most difficult for me to get (Contaminated Trolls).

* Contaminated Fairies (2f) are agro and drop Tear of Spirit with which you can cleanse Contaminated Fruit of Ent (Ludiel, where you make wafers)

1) This quest starts at the Mother Tree. There is a new NPC called Marba just up and left of Mom. Talk to him.

2) Marba will give you a letter to take to Aras, who stands just next to the Elven Dungeon. When you talk to Aras, he will tell you he wants to retrieve his son's relics and gives you an amulet.

3) Go into the dungeion and kill.

Orcs (tribal) - blue crystal (10 total for quest)
Orc Archer (tribal) - green crystal (4 total)
Orc Warrior (tribal) - white crystal (13 total)
Contaminated Cyclops (aggro) - Relics for Cloak, Gloves and Boots

Contaminated Ents – Root of Contaminated Ent, Bark of Contaminated Ent, Contaminated Fruit of Ent (3 Root total, 5 Bark total – Fruit not required for quest)

Contaminated Fairies (aggro) - will drop Tear of Spirit. Take the Contaminated Fruit and a Tear of Spirit to Ludiel to cleanse the Fruit, then you can combine with Fairy Dust to make a wafer. (Not required for quest.)

Contaminated Cyclops (aggro) - Relics for Helmet, Armor and Bow
Gandi Orc (tribal) - red crystal (4 total)
Duda-Mara (tribal) - purple crystal (11 total)

Contaminated Ogre (aggro) - Large Blue Crystal (8 total)
Troll (aggro) - Large Green Crystal (8 total)
Contaminated Ghast - Large Red Crystal (The regular ghasts due not drop crystals. You can ignore them if you want.) (8 total)

4) Once you have all the Relics, you can take them back to Aras to be “cleaned”. He will also take back the amulet.

5) Take the Expedition items back to Marba. (I believe you get another letter that goes with this, but I didn’t write it down, so I’m not positive. Makes no difference. Just head back to Marba.) Marba will ask you to bring back additional items.

In total you will need:

10 Blue Crystals
4 Red Crystals
13 White Crystals
4 Green Crystals
11 Purple Crystals
8 Large Blue Crystals
8 Large Red Crystals
8 Large Green Crystals
15 Bark of Contaminated Ent
3 Root of Contaminated Ent
40 Mithral Thread
150 Pure Oriharukon
35 Fairy Dust

Item by item list:

For the bow you need:
3 large Blue Crystals
3 Large Green Crystals
3 Large Red Crystals
5 Roots of Contaminated Ent
10 Mithral Threads
Bow of Expedition Member

For the helmet you need:
3 Red Crystals
3 Green Crystals
3 White Crystals
3 Barks of Contaminated Ent
10 Mithral Threads
Helmet of Expedition Member

For the armor you need:
5 Large Blue Crystals
5 Large Green Crystals
5 Large Red Crystals
6 Barks of Contaminated Ent
100 Oriharukon
Armor of Exoedution Member

For the gloves you need:
5 Blue Crystals
5 White Crystals
5 Purple Crystals
3 Barks of Contaminated Ent
10 Mithral Threads
Gloves of Expedition Member

For the boots you need:
5 Blue Crystals
5 White Crystals
5 Purple Crystals
3 Barks of Contaminated Ent
50 Orihaarukon
Boots of Expedition Member

For the cloak you need:
1 Green Crystal
1 Purple Crystal
1 Red Crystal
10 Mithral Threads
35 Fairy Dust
Cloak of Expedition Member

When you return to Marba with these items, he will give you:

Elven Bow of your character name
Elven Helmet of your character name
Elven Armor of your character name
Elven Boots of your character name
Elven Cloak of your character name
Elven Gloves of your character name

I can’t tell you what the stats are for each item yet since I haven’t been able to get the Red or Purple Crystals.

The Expedition Bow is: 3+0/3+0, +2 Hit, +2 Damage and weighs 20. (Needless to say, it’s a 2-handed weapon.) It does NOT say what a safe enchantment level is. I assume +6, since it’s a weapon.

The armor parts are safe to +4.

Being quest items, they are not tradable or storable. (I don’t like this. I think they should be storable, but only usable by the name of the character listed.)

The quest is repeatable.

*this information is direct from Lineage One
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Marba's Quest:

NPC's that are associated with the Marba's Quest:

Items that are associated with the Marba's Quest:

  • Named Armor
  • Named Boots
  • Named Bow
  • Named Cloak
  • Named Gloves
  • Named Helm
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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