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Elven Elemental Quest (Sayha's XBOW)
To begin the first part of the quest (non-repeatable), speak to Glendurial in the Elven Village to find out how to obtain Sayha’s Crossbow. Glendurial asks for the “four lost documents of the winds” in order to imbue a crossbow with elemental magic. Once you have the Scroll of Notus, Scroll of Zephyr, Scroll of Boreas, and Scroll of Eurus, take these items back to Glendurial along with an unenchanted Crossbow to exchange for Sayha’s Crossbow. To begin the second part of the quest (repeatable), speak to Aeolus on the second floor of the Ivory Tower to find out how to obtain quivers of elemental arrows. Aeolus asks for the “elemental items” he’s been seeking in order to craft quivers of elemental arrows from elemental stones and regular arrows. Once you have a Paagrio’s Ash, take this item back to Aeolus along with 10 Elemental Stones and 500 Arrows to exchange for a Fire Arrow Quiver containing 500 Fire Arrows. Once you have a Stone of Maphr, take this item back to Aeolus along with 10 Elemental Stones and 500 Arrows to exchange for an Earth Arrow Quiver containing 500 Earth Arrows. Once you have a Sayha’s Plume, take this item back to Aeolus along with 10 Elemental Stones and 500 Arrows to exchange for a Wind Arrow Quiver containing 500 Wind Arrows. Once you have an Eva’s Gift, take this item back to Aeolus along with 10 Elemental Stones and 500 Arrows to exchange for a Water Arrow Quiver containing 500 Water Arrows.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Elven Elemental Quest (Sayha's XBOW):

NPC's that are associated with the Elven Elemental Quest (Sayha's XBOW):

  • Glendurial (Elven Elemental Quest NPC)

    Items that are associated with the Elven Elemental Quest (Sayha's XBOW):

  • Arrow
  • Cross Bow
  • Eva's Gift
  • Paagrio's Ash
  • Sayha Crossbow(Sayha XBOW)
  • Sayha's Plume
  • Stone of Maphr
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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