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Prince/Princess Quest - Level 30
1.  Find Aria in Woodbec. She will give you more detail on the quest.

2.  Morph into a Giants Ant solider. Timing on this morph is very important. You don't want to poly imediately because of the limitations of this morph. Also it would be a good idea to gather bp together for this quest. It will be necessary to wander the desert and/or ant caves and the more the merrier. The ant drop hole for the search ant seems to be #4. This is the one directly under the word oasis on the map (world). When you find this hole bookmark,in case you need to try again. Time for everyone to poly as giant soldider ants and haste themselves.

3.  Find the search ant... have all members of the quest group talk to the search ant.

4.  Continue searching until you find a Gatekeeper Ant.  He will teleport you to the Mutated Dungeon.  When you find this ant, have all players stand close to the prince or they will not be teleported with the prince. They need to open the window to talk to the gatekeeper. When you get into the Mutated Giant Solider Area, re-poly into something that will allow you to use weapons and/or spells. Put armor and weapon back on This is also the time to unparty, prince will not get drop if he is partied. Have blood pledge members kill mutated ants and heal prince, while Prince(only) kills the queen inside the room.

5.  Get ready to fight!  You will be attacked by Mutated Giant Soldier Ants.  You must find and kill the Mutated Giant Ant Queen, who will be surrounded by about 15 Mutated Giant Solider Ants.  A good idea is to charge her, so she blocks in the other ants.  

6.  Killing her will get you The Relic of the People.  

7.  Return The Relic of the People to Aria and she will inturn give you Aria's Reward.

8.  Double Click your prize and you will receive the Spellbook: Call Pledge Member and the Sovereign's Cloak.

Quest complete.
Thank You Aravis for the updated version!
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Prince/Princess Quest - Level 30:

  • Mutated Giant Soldier Ant (10)
  • Mutated Giant Ant Queen (20)

    NPC's that are associated with the Prince/Princess Quest - Level 30:

  • Aria (Quest NPC)

    Items that are associated with the Prince/Princess Quest - Level 30:

  • Relic of the People
  • Sovereign's Majesty Cloak
  • Spellbook: Call Pledge Member
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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