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Prince/Princess Quest - Level 15
To begin this quest, talk to Zero in Kent.  Your instructions will be to find a Black Knight Search Paper from a Black Knight (located in SKT).  Return this paper to Zero and he will give you a Red Cloak (-2 AC, Prince Only, 10 weight, +1 Charisma).  Once you have received the Red Cloak talk to Zero again to begin the second part of the quest.  This time he will send you to Gunter in Talking Island.  Gunter will ask you to retrieve "Life's Secret" from a Stone Golem.  You will need to kill any Stone Golems you find until you get the paper.  Return this paper to Gunter and he will give you the True Target spellbook that you can learn wherever you are.

The True Target Spellbook allows a prince to designate a location as the "target" with a visible icon in order to coordinate attacks or meeting points.

Things to Note:
  • You must kill the BK's in SWL to complete the quest; the BK's around SKT will not drop the quest items.
  • You do not need to kill the BK pack alone.
  • You can kill a Stone Golem from anywhere in Aden to receive the "Live's Secret".
  • You can use dogs to assist you in your attacks.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Prince/Princess Quest - Level 15:

Drop Guide
  • Very Commonly Dropped
  • Commonly Dropped
  • Uncommonly Dropped
  • Rarely Dropped
  • Very Rarely Dropped
  • No Drop Frequency Known
  • Stone Golem
    Level: 13
    HP: 150
    MP: 50
    AC: -1
    Experience: 170
    Lawful Points: -12
    Size: Large
    Type: Normal
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    Attribute: Earth
    Weakness: Fire
    STR: 58
    CON: 16
    DEX: 10
    WIS: 6
    INT: 5
    MR: 5%
    Fire resistance: 120
    Water resistance: 100
    Wind resistance: 300
    Earth resistance: 15
    Aggressive: N
    Aggressive to SOSC: N
    Aggressive to COI: N
    Tameable (via Magic): Y
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied:
    Tough Skinned: Y
    Tribal: N
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack: N
    Two Cell Melee Attack: N
    Area Attack: N
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: No
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: No
    Stone golems are stones infused with magic power, created through dark magical art by long-dead wizards. An attack from a golems stone body has formidable force and may easily break the blade of a sword.
    Location: Silver Knights Town, Talking Island, Talking Island Caves 1F, Main Land Caves 3F, Desert, Desert Beach (Lizard Beach), Silver Knight Town Caves (Desert Caves) 1F, Ogre Beach, Giran Death Match, Talking Island Death Match, Silence Ground, Turtle Island

    Normal Drops:
    Secret of Life
    Broad Sword
    Heavy Throwing Knife
    Lump of Rough Mithril
    Highest/Top Quality Ruby
    Lesser Healing Potion or Red Potion
    Morning Star
    Wand of Call Lightning (Ebony)
    War Hammer
    Dark Spirit Crystal: Blind Hiding (level 1)
    Potion of Mana
    Bronze Edoryu
    Dark Spirit Crystal: Shadow Armor (level 1)
    Blessed Drops:
    Cursed Drops:

    Black Knight
    Level: 16
    HP: 100
    MP: 10
    AC: -10
    Experience: 257
    Lawful Points: -15
    Size: Small
    Type: Normal
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    Attribute: Earth
    Weakness: None
    STR: 16
    CON: 16
    DEX: 15
    WIS: 12
    INT: 12
    MR: 10%
    Fire resistance: 100
    Water resistance: 100
    Wind resistance: 100
    Earth resistance: 100
    Aggressive: N
    Aggressive to SOSC: Y
    Aggressive to COI: N
    Tameable (via Magic): Y
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied:
    Tough Skinned: N
    Tribal: Y
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack: N
    Two Cell Melee Attack: Y
    Area Attack: N
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: No
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: No
    This servant of the anti-king Calawuhel boasts superb fighting skills and a violent nature. They usually appear in groups on the Wastelands of Mainland and sometimes come with Kurtz to the Talking Island.
    Location: Silver Knights Town, Talking Island, Small Waste Land, Giran Death Match, Forest of Dawn, Turtle Island

    Normal Drops:
    Black Knight Pledge Document
    Old Trading Document
    Low Boots
    Potion of Bravery
    Large Shield
    Potion of Mana
    Leather Gloves
    Magic Crystal - Shield
    Cloak of Protection
    Plate Mail
    Spellbook: Enchant Dexterity (level 4)
    Two Handed Sword
    Bronze Plate Mail
    Royal Nectar
    Troll Ring
    Blessed Drops:
    Cursed Drops:

    NPC's that are associated with the Prince/Princess Quest - Level 15:

    Gunter - Quest NPC
    Location/Town: Talking Island
    Loc (/loc): Unknown
    Description: As a Knight you will receive the Red Knight's Sword after passing Gunter's Quest.
    Gunter sells/creates the following items:
    Red Knights Sword (RKS), Spellbook: True Target

    Zero - Prince Quest NPC
    Location/Town: Kent
    Loc (/loc): Unknown
    Description: Talk to Zero as a prince to take the Prince Quest.
    Zero sells/creates the following items:
    Red Cloak

    Items that are associated with the Prince/Princess Quest - Level 15:

    Red Cloak
    Class: Royals
    Weight: 1
    AC: -2
    Episode 5: N
    Armor Set: No available information.
    Safe Enchant Level: +4
    Approximate Sale Price:
    Damageable: N
    Lowers AC by 2. Given by Zero upon completion of his quest in exchange for a search document. This item may be enchanted to +4 safely.
    Sold/Created By: Zero (Kent)
    Purchased By:
    Item Creation: Return the Search Document to Zero to receive the Red Cloak.

    Base Creation Elements: Search Document (1)

    Search Document
    Class: Royals
    Weight: 1
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    This item is used to complete part 1 of the Prince quest given by Zero in Kent. Obtained by killing a black knight search party.
    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By: Bius - 10 (Ivory Tower Town)

    Used in Creation of: Red Cloak

    Secret of Life
    Class: Royals
    Weight: 1
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    Used to complete part 2 of the Prince quest given by Gunter on Talking Island. Obtained by killing a stone golem.

    Normal Drops: Stone Golem, Giran Stone Golem

    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:

    Used in Creation of: Spellbook: True Target

    Spellbook: True Target
    Class: Royals
    Weight: 7
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    Min. level required: 15
    This spell allows members of the Prince/Princess's pledge to see a selected target as an enhanced image. Awarded by Gunter in exchange for the Secret of Life at the completion of the lvl 15 royal quest. Can be learned anywhere.
    Sold/Created By: Gunter (Talking Island)
    Purchased By:
    Item Creation: Return the Secret of Life letter back to Gunter to receive the spellbook.

    Base Creation Elements: Secret of Life (1)

    Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

    Lineage is a registered trademark of NCSoft.
    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
    All others: copyright (c) 2004 by
    Contact info: webmaster AT