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Lizardman Hero Gloves
thanks go out to mysticblade of LOA for the info.

1: Enter New PI area
2: Locate LizardMan Elder
3: Accept to Find lost LizardMan warrior
4: Head east or east by south-east untill you find "Exuasted Lizardman Warrior"
5: Guide Him back to LizardMan Elder (can be hasted)
6:Speak to Elder, Accept to find treasure (locate Kuman)  Kuman located near entrance of new PI area or in Drake's Old Hideout
7: Kill Kuman, DONT ATTACK/KILL his Guards or he will venz
8:Bring Back treasure to LizardMan Elder
9: Recieve LizardMan Hero Gloves and PARTY!!!
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Lizardman Hero Gloves:

NPC's that are associated with the Lizardman Hero Gloves:

Items that are associated with the Lizardman Hero Gloves:

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