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Mage Quest - Level 30
1) Talk to Gereng in Talking Island, he will send you to the TI caves looking for a Skeleton Guard.  You must cast turn undead on him and he should drop an Undead key (Stay close to him so you will get the drop).  

2) Then you must find Dilong, an NPC at the stairs of TI Dungeon.  The Undead Key will let you enter the Skeleton Dungeon.  Go through the door and look for a Zombie (he is alone).  Cast Turn Undead on him.  He will give you a Zombie Key (Stay close to him so you will get the drop).

3) Continue walking around until you find an Ettin, use Cancel on him.  He will turn into a skeleton.  Cast Turn Undead on the skeleton, he will give you a Skeleton Key.  

4) Once you have obtained this key, wonder around until you find a room with 2 zombies and 1 Orc Zombie.  Kill the Orc Zombie and then use the Create Zombie spell on it.  Get the zombie onto the platform and proceed to the next level.  

5) Now be prepared, you will not be able to use pots here!  On this floor you will come across Betrayer of Undead (a grim reaper).  He will cast erupt on you so be careful.  You must turn him undead until you receive an escape scroll or a Bone Piece.  

6) Once you receive the undead bone piece you need to go see Orim in MLC 7F.  Purchase the Mystery Crystal Ball for 100,000 adena.  

7) After you have purchased that, head to Gereng in Talking Island to trade the Undead Bone Piece for an Undead Bone and trade the Mystery Crystal Ball for the Mystery Crystal Staff.  

8) After you have accomplished this, go to the Ivory Tower 3F, in Oren, Talk to Talass and trade him the Undead Bone and the Mystery Staff for the Crystal Staff of Mana.

*Some hints to keep in mind*
a. Once you have entered the Skeleton Dungeon, all weapons and ac will unequip.
b. Take Wisdom Potions before going into the Dungeon and polymorph into a dwarf or ghast to out run the Ettin/Skeletons.
c. If you need to escape, it is ok, you will keep your keys.
d. Use the Control Key when canceling the Ettin!
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Mage Quest - Level 30:

Drop Guide
  • Very Commonly Dropped
  • Commonly Dropped
  • Uncommonly Dropped
  • Rarely Dropped
  • Very Rarely Dropped
  • No Drop Frequency Known
  • Zombie
    Level: 6
    HP: 45
    MP: 12
    AC: 8
    Experience: 37
    Lawful Points: -8
    Size: Small
    Type: Undead
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    Attribute: Earth
    Weakness: Earth, Fire
    STR: 14
    CON: 16
    DEX: 6
    WIS: 5
    INT: 2
    MR: 5%
    Fire resistance: 150
    Water resistance: 100
    Wind resistance: 80
    Earth resistance: 75
    Aggressive: Y
    Aggressive to SOSC: N
    Aggressive to COI: Y
    Tameable (via Magic): Y
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied:
    Tough Skinned: N
    Tribal: N
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack: N
    Two Cell Melee Attack: N
    Area Attack: N
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: Yes
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: Yes
    Zombies are considered undead monsters. The product of evil experimentation, zombies are reanimated corpses with no will-power of their own. Infuriated, zombies attack all living beings. They are vulnerable to sunlight, however, and shun it completely.
    Location: Singing Island, Talking Island, Talking Island Caves 1F, Talking Island Caves 2F, Underwater Tunnel, Main Land Caves 1F, Main Land Caves 2F, Main Land Caves 3F, Main Land Caves 4F, Main Land Caves 6F, Small Waste Land, Waste Land, Silver Knight Town Caves (Desert Caves) 1F, Silver Knight Town Caves (Desert Caves) 2F, Silver Knight Town Caves (Desert Caves) 3F, Windawood Dungeon 1F, Windawood Dungeon 2F, Oren Wasteland, Dwarf Beach, Talking Island Death Match, Silence Ground, Turtle Island, Lastabad Dungeon 1F

    Normal Drops:
    Lump of Rough Mithril
    Scroll of Resurrection
    Dark Spirit Crystal: Blind Hiding (level 1)
    Dark Cloak
    Spellbook: Darkness (level 5)
    Spellbook: Vampiric Touch (level 4)
    Spirit Crystal: Blood To Soul (level 3)
    Blessed Drops:
    Scroll of Teleportation
    Cursed Drops:

    Orc Zombie
    Level: 10
    HP: 100
    MP: 25
    AC: 0
    Experience: 101
    Lawful Points: -10
    Size: Small
    Type: Undead
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    Attribute: Earth
    Weakness: Fire, Water
    STR: 10
    CON: 10
    DEX: 10
    WIS: 7
    INT: 8
    MR: 1%
    Fire resistance: 180
    Water resistance: 105
    Wind resistance: 50
    Earth resistance: 100
    Aggressive: Y
    Aggressive to SOSC: N
    Aggressive to COI: N
    Tameable (via Magic): N
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied:
    Tough Skinned: N
    Tribal: Y
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack: N
    Two Cell Melee Attack: N
    Area Attack: N
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: Yes
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: Yes
    Poisons target and causes HP to decrease until it is cured.
    Orc Zombies are considered undead monsters. An undead orc that can poison you. This Northern Orc turned zombie is more powerful than the average human zombie.
    Location: Talking Island Death Match, Silence Ground

    Normal Drops:
    Orcish Helmet
    Orcish Chain Mail
    Orcish Ring Mail
    Scroll of Resurrection
    Greater Haste Potions
    Scroll of Enchant Armor
    Dice Dagger or Dagger of Good/Bad Luck
    Blessed Drops:
    Scroll of Teleportation
    Cursed Drops:

    Level: 10
    HP: 80
    MP: 30
    AC: 3
    Experience: 101
    Lawful Points: -12
    Size: Small
    Type: Undead
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    Weakness: None
    STR: 16
    CON: 14
    DEX: 16
    WIS: 12
    INT: 10
    MR: 10%
    Fire resistance: 100
    Water resistance: 100
    Wind resistance: 100
    Earth resistance: 100
    Aggressive: Y
    Aggressive to SOSC: Y
    Aggressive to COI: N
    Tameable (via Magic): N
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied: N
    Tough Skinned: N
    Tribal: N
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack: N
    Two Cell Melee Attack: N
    Area Attack: N
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: Yes
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: Yes
    Skeletons are considered undead monsters. Skeletons are the reanimated bones of soldiers who died upon the battlefield.
    Location: Silver Knights Town, Singing Island, Talking Island Caves 1F, Talking Island Caves 2F, Main Land Caves 1F, Main Land Caves 2F, Main Land Caves 3F, Main Land Caves 4F, Main Land Caves 5F, Small Waste Land, Waste Land, Silver Knight Town Caves (Desert Caves) 1F, Silver Knight Town Caves (Desert Caves) 2F, Silver Knight Town Caves (Desert Caves) 3F, Windawood Dungeon 1F, Talking Island Death Match, Werldern Death Match, Silence Ground, Turtle Island, Lastabad Dungeon 1F

    Normal Drops:
    Skeleton Key
    Bone Piece
    Cloak of Magic Resistance
    Haste Potion or Green Potions
    Spellbook: Enchant Dexterity (level 4)
    Dark Spirit Crystal: Enchant Venom (level 1)
    Greater Haste Potions
    Large Shield
    Skeleton Skull
    Spellbook: Tame Monster (level 5)
    Wand of Create Monster (Pine)
    Blessed Drops:
    Cursed Drops:
    Cloak of Magic Resistance

    Betrayer of Undead
    Level: 27
    HP: 900
    MP: 600
    AC: -15
    Experience: 730
    Lawful Points: -10
    Size: Small
    Type: Normal
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    STR: 16
    CON: 14
    DEX: 16
    WIS: 16
    INT: 16
    MR: 25%
    Fire resistance: 100
    Water resistance: 100
    Wind resistance: 100
    Earth resistance: 100
    Aggressive: Y
    Aggressive to SOSC: Y
    Aggressive to COI: N
    Tameable (via Magic): N
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied: N
    Tough Skinned: N
    Tribal: N
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack:
    Two Cell Melee Attack: Y
    Area Attack: Y
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: No
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: No
    You must kill him to obtain an Undead Bone Piece for the Level 30 mage quest.

    Normal Drops:
    Undead Bone Piece
    Blessed Drops:
    Cursed Drops:

    Skeleton Guard
    Level: 27
    HP: 270
    MP: 60
    AC: -15
    Experience: 730
    Lawful Points: -30
    Size: Small
    Type: Undead
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    Weakness: None
    STR: 16
    CON: 14
    DEX: 15
    WIS: 14
    INT: 14
    MR: 25%
    Fire resistance: 110
    Water resistance: 100
    Wind resistance: 100
    Earth resistance: 100
    Aggressive: Y
    Aggressive to SOSC: Y
    Aggressive to COI: N
    Tameable (via Magic): Y
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied:
    Tough Skinned: N
    Tribal: N
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack: N
    Two Cell Melee Attack: Y
    Area Attack: N
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: Yes
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: Yes
    Skeleton Guards are considered undead monsters. This spear-wielding skeleton is a member of the elite skeletal forces that patrol the Dragon Valley.
    Location: Dragon Valley, Dragon Valley Caves 1F, Dragon Valley Caves 2F, Dragon Valley Caves 3F, Dragon Valley Caves 4F, Giran Death Match, Gludio Death Match

    Normal Drops:
    Greater Haste Potions
    Haste Potion or Green Potions
    Spirit Crystal: Earth Skin (level 3)
    Spellbook: Enchant Dexterity (level 4)
    Sayha's Plume
    Large Shield
    Spellbook: Tame Monster (level 5)
    Scroll of Enchant Armor
    Blessed Drops:
    Cloak of Magic Resistance
    Cursed Drops:

    Level: 35
    HP: 500
    MP: 70
    AC: -22
    Experience: 1226
    Lawful Points: -40
    Size: Large
    Type: Normal
    Class: Normal
    Avg Adena Drop: N/A
    Episode 5: N
    Attribute: Earth
    Weakness: Fire
    STR: 20
    CON: 18
    DEX: 16
    WIS: 18
    INT: 16
    MR: 50%
    Fire resistance: 180
    Water resistance: 80
    Wind resistance: 70
    Earth resistance: 100
    Aggressive: Y
    Aggressive to SOSC: Y
    Aggressive to COI: N
    Tameable (via Magic): N
    Can be Ressed: N
    Can be Polied: N
    Tough Skinned: N
    Tribal: N
    Immune to Poison: -
    Immune to Slow: -
    Ranged Attack: N
    Two Cell Melee Attack: Y
    Area Attack: N
    Affected by Silver/Mithril/Oriharukon Weapons: No
    Affected by Blessed Weapons: No
    Ettins are powerful two-headed creatures that live in the Dragon Valley dungeon and in the Forest of Dawn. Has the ability to haste itself.
    Location: Dragon Valley Caves 3F, Dragon Valley Caves 4F, Dragon Valley Caves 5F, Dragon Valley Caves 6F, Ivory Tower 8F, Giran Death Match, Gludio Death Match, Werldern Death Match, Forest of Dawn

    Normal Drops:
    Potion of Bravery
    Spellbook: Earth Jail (level 4)
    Spellbook: Eruption (level 6)
    Spellbook: Haste (level 6)
    Spellbook: Enchant Mighty (level 6)
    Condensed Lesser Healing Potions
    Condensed Greater Healing Potions
    Spellbook: Earthquake (level 8)
    Spellbook: Greater Haste (level 7)
    Relic of Maphr
    Scroll of Enchant Armor
    Maphr's Pestilence
    Scroll of Enchant Weapon
    Spirit Crystal: Entangle (level 3)
    Green Dragon Scales
    Blessed Drops:
    Lucern Hammer
    Cursed Drops:
    Scroll of Enchant Armor

    NPC's that are associated with the Mage Quest - Level 30:

    Dilong - Quest NPC
    Location/Town: Talking Island Caves 1F
    Loc (/loc): Unknown
    Description: A mage wanted to begin the level 30 Mage quest must visit Dilong in the Talking Island Caves 1F.

    Gereng - Wizard
    Location/Town: Talking Island
    Loc (/loc): Unknown
    Description: As a magician (Mage) you can talk to Gereng to learn levels 1, 2, and 3 magic spells. You can also talk to him about doing the Magician's quest to get the Staff of Mana.
    Gereng sells/creates the following items:
    Spellbook: Blessed Armor (level 3), Spellbook: Chill Touch (level 2), Spellbook: Cure Poison (level 2), Spellbook: Curse: Blind (level 3), Spellbook: Curse: Poison (level 2), Spellbook: Decrease Weight (level 2), Spellbook: Detection (level 2), Spellbook: Enchant Weapon (level 2), Spellbook: Energy Bolt (level 1), Spellbook: Fire Arrow (level 2), Spellbook: Frozen Cloud (level 3), Spellbook: Heal (level 3), Spellbook: Holy Weapon (level 1), Spellbook: Ice Dagger (level 1), Spellbook: Lesser Heal (level 1), Spellbook: Light (level 1), Spellbook: Lightning (level 3), Spellbook: Reveal Weakness (level 3), Spellbook: Shield (level 1), Spellbook: Stalac (level 2), Spellbook: Teleport (level 1), Spellbook: Turn Undead (level 3), Spellbook: Wind Shuriken (level 1)

    Orim - General Item Merchant/Quest NPC
    No Image Available Location/Town: Main Land Caves 7F
    Loc (/loc): Unknown
    Description: Orim sells a few basic items such as potions. You must visit him in MLC 7F and use the Secret Room Key to open up the secret room. You must visit him to purchase quest items if you are a mage or a dark elf. He sells the mystery crystal ball and fungus poison items for 100,000 adena each.
    Orim sells/creates the following items:
    Greater Haste Potions, Greater Healing Potion or Clear Potion (CLEARS), Haste Potion or Green Potions (GREENS), Mystery Crystal Ball, Potion of Cure Poison or Cyan Potion, Scroll of Curse Removal (PRAT), Scroll of Enchant Armor (ZEL), Scroll of Identify, Scroll of Resurrection (REZ), Scroll of Teleportation, Fungus Poison

    Items that are associated with the Mage Quest - Level 30:

    Crystal Staff of Mana (CSOM)
    Class: Mage
    Hands: One
    Damage (S/L): 1/1
    Weight: 15
    Episode 5: N
    Safe Enchant Level: +6
    Approximate Sale Price: >100K
    Damageable: N
    CSOM is given to you by completion of the level 30 mage quest. When yelding the CSOM your mana will regen with an increased amount.
      +10 MP regeneration rate per tick
    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:
    Item Creation: Talk to Talass in Ivory Tower 3'rd floor with the required components to receive the CSOM

    Base Creation Elements: Mystery Crystal Staff (1) , Undead Bone (1)

    Mystery Crystal Ball
    Class: Mage
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price: 100K
    You must purchase this item from Orim in MLC 7F for 100,000 adena.
    Sold/Created By: Orim (Main Land Caves 7F)
    Purchased By:

    Used in Creation of: Mystery Crystal Staff

    Mystery Crystal Staff
    Class: Mage
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    You will obtain this item from Gereng when you bring him the Mystery Crystal Ball.
    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:
    Item Creation: Talk to Gereng with the requreid component.

    Base Creation Elements: Mystery Crystal Ball (1)

    Used in Creation of: Crystal Staff of Mana (CSOM)

    Skeleton Key
    Class: Mage
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    You must obtain this Key from a skeleton you kill on the level 30 mage quest.
    (The Ettin you turned into a skeleton.)

    Normal Drops: Skeleton

    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:

    Undead Bone Piece
    Class: Mage
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    You must obtain this item from the Betrayer of Undead in the Skeleton Dungeon, to complete the level 30 mage quest.

    Normal Drops: Betrayer of Undead

    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:

    Used in Creation of: Undead Bone

    Undead Key
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    You must obtain this item from a Skeleton Guard in Talking Island for the Level 30 mage quest.
    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:

    Zombie Key
    Class: Mage
    Episode 5: N
    Approximate Sale Price:
    This item can be obtained through killing the Zombie in the level 30 Mage Quest.
    Sold/Created By: N/A
    Purchased By:

    Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

    Lineage is a registered trademark of NCSoft.
    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
    All others: copyright (c) 2004 by
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