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Drake Quest 2nd Half
so, you have your drake key. head to the new section of PI and head north, you'll eventually come uppon the lizardman city. further north is drake's old hideout. in the back is a boat-house with a hole in the floor.

stepping on this hole will take you into a small chamber. the circle will teleport you back outside, and restarting anywhere in the quest dungeon will return you outside the hole. inside you will find a ghost npc "kamyla". talking to her will send you into the dungeon to speak with the first of the 3 lost pirates, francisco. navigate the dungeon avoiding all the traps (they are the center tile surrounded by tan square tiles) and you'll find francisco sitting. talking to him gets you the labarynth map (which can't be used).

going back to kamyla will open the next part of the quest. she will now send you to the 2nd part of the dungeon. head north where you will find a room full of magic tiles. head through the room AVOIDING ALL THE TILES POSSIBLE as some will attack you, others will cast spells (50 second eskin, cancel, slow, poisons...), and others will teleport you back to the start of the room. your objective is to get to the other side of the room, then turn east and exit.

after a short walk you'll find a red floating crystal, talking to it will explain the current situation, and that you're being tested by drake's spirit. here you will be given 4 temporary swords and 5 temporary enchant scrolls. the next room east you'll find "spirit of drake". to kill him, you must use all 5 of the temporary enchant scrolls on any one of the swords provided. you may use your own weapon to kill drake's spirit. and spells are allowed. pets or summons are not allowed. if you do feel like using the weapons provided, only one of the swords will damage drake, the rest don't hit him at all. he drops "2nd labarynth key". MAKE SURE YOU DISARM THE TEMPORARY SWORD TO CONTINUE (assuming you used one). talk to the red crystal again to continue to the 3rd room.

here you will find the red crystal "again" and a number of goblins. the test here is a random choice. hit a goblin, if it drops the 3rd key, you can continue. if it doesn't, you're stuck waiting (roughly 5 min between spawns) talking to the red crystal with the key sends you on to the next room.

head south then west, and in the large room you'll face Diego and some skeleton pirate heads. killing diego (he doesn't want to talk) gets you diego's diary. it explains that diego sided with jose. now you can return to kamyla again.

after a short section of text, you are now able to face jose. he can spawn anywhere in his dungeon, including right at the tele point. killing him will get you a crumpled up love letter. bring this back to kamyla to recieve your choice of rewards.

and make sure to pat yourself on the back for doing all this.
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Drake Quest 2nd Half:

NPC's that are associated with the Drake Quest 2nd Half:

Items that are associated with the Drake Quest 2nd Half:

  • Crossbow of Silence
  • Jet-Black Crystal Ball
  • Shield of Faith
  • Sword of Honor
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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