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Drake Quest 1st half
Part 1: Doyle and his dog:

Ask Doyle about his dog, and follow the text out until he asks why his dog doesn't want to hunt with him anymore, and if you'll find out why. Now hunt blue tails anywhere on the island until you get Skin of Blue Lizard. bring this back for your reward, the first map piece.

Part 2: Rudian

Talk to Rudian, follow the text out as he talks about his friend and his friend's girlfriend dying, and the silver flute she cherished. He'll give you the flute, and asks you to find out what happened to his friend. go east from town, until you find the graveyard and stand on the star mark, then blow the flute. A skeleton pirate head will spawn. Kill it for the bag of friend. You have to be unpartied, alone, and without pets/summons when killing the skeleton pirate head. Return this to Rudian for your reward, the second map piece.

Part 3: Resta
Pre-requisite: You need to have completed Simizz's quest for Blue Pirate Bandanna.

Talk to Resta, wearing the blue pirate bandana (if you don't wear it, you won't get the proper dialog) until he asks you to find his old ring, and return it in the condition it was in 10 years ago. Now, start hunting Kiwi Parrots until you get the Ring of Resta. Take this ring to the old man outside the inn, and ask him to polish it for you. Now bring it back to Resta and follow the dialog with him. After you reach the end of the dialog, talk to Simizz, and follow her dialog out about the ring. Then return to Resta for your reward, the final piece of the map.

Part 4: Cadmus

Talk to Cadmus inside the inn, and ask him about the map pieces. He will offer to put the map together for you, in exchange for finding his wandering son. A group of people helps here, as his son can be anywhere on the island (as close as just outside the city walls, to as far as the northern border of the island). Talk to his son and bring him back to Cadmus, receiving the Amulet of Cadmus. Trade this to Cadmus for the completed treasure map.

Part 5: Drake (boss)

Now for the fun part. Take the treasure map to the third floor of the Pirate Island Dungeon, and locate the teleport spot on the floor to access his chamber. Upon killing drake, you recieve his key. The use of his key is yet to be found out, more will be revieled in episode 5. Note that you have cannot be in a party or use summons in order to get the key... or more specifically, you cannot have any summons when Drake dies. For mages that find him too tough, try using summons and let them battle him for a while (healing them). Finally let him kill your summons and then move in for the kill yourself to get the key. Also, you can have other non-partied players healing you.

*update* drake spawn time has been confirmed between 1 and 1.5 hours.
Great thanks to Rico for info on Drake Quest!
Quest Information:

Monsters that are associated with the Drake Quest 1st half:

  • Blue Tail (28)
  • Kiwi Parrot (28)
  • Skeletal Pirate Head (32)
  • Drake (Quest Boss) (42)

    NPC's that are associated with the Drake Quest 1st half:

  • Cadmus (Quest NPC)
  • Doyle (Quest NPC)
  • Resta (Quest NPC)
  • Rudian (Quest NPC)
  • Simizz (Quest NPC)

    Items that are associated with the Drake Quest 1st half:

  • Blue Pirate Bandanna
  • Skin of Blue Lizzard
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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