Fire, Water, Wind & Earth
10% MR of the element of the cloak. and might have other properties.

Go to Bamute in Aden (half way between Melissa and the kennel (/loc ~ 33977 x 33164)
Generaly about the same prcedure for each element cloak. The difference in the items are below.

Fire Cloak (Normal): Mithril Thread - 50, Ruby - 30, Cursed Leather (Fire) - 100, Red Dragon Scales - 3, Adena - 100,000
Water Cloak : Mith-thread-50, Emerald-30, cursed Leather (water)-100, Blue Dragon scales-3, adena-100,000
Wind Cloak : Mith-Thread-50, Saphire-30, Cursed Leather (wind)-100, White Dragon Scales-3, adena-100,000
Earth Cloak : Mith-Thread-50, diamond-30, Cursed Leather (earth)-100, Green Dragon Scales-3, adena-100,000

Cursed Leather is made from the different Skins (Cimaera: Fire from Lion, Water from Dragon, Wind from Goat, Earth from Snake)

5 skins + 500 Adena for 1 Cursed Leather.